Halleluiah ... we finally got some glimpses of Sanaya!!! Sanaya gets together with Mohit, Barun, Akshay and other celebrities to lend their names and faces (in Barun's case, less of the current face, the better) for the cause of women's empowerment and education scholarships, by the Fair and Lovely Foundation.
Good cause ... I am glad to see Sanaya choosing to lend her name to this one ... and the right person to do it too ... as a modern, liberal thinking, educated, successful professional young woman, she is an ideal role model for young girls ... show them how to be financially independent and be able to stand on her own feet ... and be well liked and respected in her profession.
Barun Sobti is honestly an eyesore!!! He looks like a homeless vagabond ... and I find it utterly rude and disrespectful of a guest at a function to show up looking the way he did here. Disgusting!
Mohit was abrupt at the end of the SBS segment ... is his ego kicking in at Sanaya getting all the attention and importance? Because she did ... she was the centre of attention ... she and Barun ... and Akshay drew attention with his witticisms.
Sanaya was looking absolutely beautiful ... glowing and lovely ... simply dressed and very elegant. And she seemed to be in very good spirits too ... laughing and joking ... and prevaricating about work. Does that mean she has something up her sleeve? I really, really hope so!!!
SBS segment
A Telly Bytes video
An India Forums video
Another video ... quite a lot of overlap ... but worth it to watch Sanaya laughing and in such high spirits.
Was really happy to see Sanaya again on an SBS ... and even happier at the signs that she might be getting ready to return to TV soon. Hope I'm right on this one.
And finally, a video of the actual event they were invited for ...
Akshay spoke well, Barun was 'happy to be there', whatever that means ... Mohit basically echoed Sanaya's words in Hindi.
Sanaya spoke very well, her words were genuine and from the heart ... she was happy and humbled to be there ... something I understand, working with the underprivileged myself ... and I was very happy and proud to hear her speak with so much feeling for the work they were invited for, especially because its something I feel very strongly about. As a woman, she was understandably more empathetic to the issue of gender inequality, and the push for women's education ... again I'm glad she was invited for this cause and chose to be a part of it. Loved this last video ... to see a girl I admire standing so passionately for a cause I'm committed to, made me feel very good.
*edit 16/03*
One more video from SBB - seems all the media know this segments will get them TRPs ... all have broadcast their versions.
This was another nice segment, with serious parts where Barun and then Sanaya spoke about what they were there to do ... again Sanaya's words most heartfelt and one could see she was genuinely moved and touched by the stories of the girls she met.
Some lovely solo pics of San from the event.
She looks so lovely ... classy and elegant and simply gorgeous. She was glowing in the videos ... the break seems to have done her good, she is a picture of shining health. Just hope she is ready to come back to the screen soon!

Good cause ... I am glad to see Sanaya choosing to lend her name to this one ... and the right person to do it too ... as a modern, liberal thinking, educated, successful professional young woman, she is an ideal role model for young girls ... show them how to be financially independent and be able to stand on her own feet ... and be well liked and respected in her profession.
Barun Sobti is honestly an eyesore!!! He looks like a homeless vagabond ... and I find it utterly rude and disrespectful of a guest at a function to show up looking the way he did here. Disgusting!
Mohit was abrupt at the end of the SBS segment ... is his ego kicking in at Sanaya getting all the attention and importance? Because she did ... she was the centre of attention ... she and Barun ... and Akshay drew attention with his witticisms.
Sanaya was looking absolutely beautiful ... glowing and lovely ... simply dressed and very elegant. And she seemed to be in very good spirits too ... laughing and joking ... and prevaricating about work. Does that mean she has something up her sleeve? I really, really hope so!!!
SBS segment
A Telly Bytes video
An India Forums video
Another video ... quite a lot of overlap ... but worth it to watch Sanaya laughing and in such high spirits.
Was really happy to see Sanaya again on an SBS ... and even happier at the signs that she might be getting ready to return to TV soon. Hope I'm right on this one.
And finally, a video of the actual event they were invited for ...
Akshay spoke well, Barun was 'happy to be there', whatever that means ... Mohit basically echoed Sanaya's words in Hindi.
Sanaya spoke very well, her words were genuine and from the heart ... she was happy and humbled to be there ... something I understand, working with the underprivileged myself ... and I was very happy and proud to hear her speak with so much feeling for the work they were invited for, especially because its something I feel very strongly about. As a woman, she was understandably more empathetic to the issue of gender inequality, and the push for women's education ... again I'm glad she was invited for this cause and chose to be a part of it. Loved this last video ... to see a girl I admire standing so passionately for a cause I'm committed to, made me feel very good.
*edit 16/03*
One more video from SBB - seems all the media know this segments will get them TRPs ... all have broadcast their versions.
This was another nice segment, with serious parts where Barun and then Sanaya spoke about what they were there to do ... again Sanaya's words most heartfelt and one could see she was genuinely moved and touched by the stories of the girls she met.
Some lovely solo pics of San from the event.
She looks so lovely ... classy and elegant and simply gorgeous. She was glowing in the videos ... the break seems to have done her good, she is a picture of shining health. Just hope she is ready to come back to the screen soon!

LOL, Dia just saw Sobti boy's picture ( of course all the others were in it too!) and related article on India-forum and the word 'vagabond', was the first thing that crossed my mind too!! And next thing I thought was to mention this here in your blog, I log in and you have already been there,done that...ha..ha..
ReplyDeleteFor god sake he supposed to be a celebrity, out there to set an example?! Are you kidding me- okay I think he is definitely setting an example for how to look disheveled!
I have my fingers crossed for Sanaya's reappearance, we definitely need a good Indian TV show, Urgh... god!
Plus I think Mohit's reaction was inevitable, he is not able to find the success like Sanaya has, and he is her beau, plus even in his shows he asked about her popularity.. the male ego is gonna come to play honey sooner or later...
But I wish the very best and hope things turn out great for her in both professional and personal front.
The comments above are just my observation, they are not meant to hurt anybody's feelings.
Keep the blog buzzing. ;-))
Hey MB, good to see you here ... most days I feel like I'm talking to myself! Just waiting for Sanaya to come back in a good show, and hopefully the blog will start buzzing again.
DeleteDon't ask about sobti's looks ... don't know what the guy has done to himself. And who the hell goes out of their house and to a public event where you are an invited guest, looking like that? It smacks of rudeness and arrogance, when he can't be bothered to spruce up and make even the minimal effort to look decent. I really don't know why people even invite him any more.
I was annoyed with Mohit because he called an end to the press session, when he wasn't even the one in the limelight ... or maybe it was because he wasn't. I won't be surprised if he starts getting insecure, I'm actually surprised that his ego hasn't surfaced till now.
Anyway ... am only concerned with Sanaya ... I did get the feeling she was very relaxed about the work question this time, as compared to her last two interviews where she answered quite seriously that she hadn't found anything she liked. Today she was very relaxed and just joking around, her usual bindaas self ... I'm probably being optimistic, but I am taking it to mean she is in serious talks for something, and hopefully we will know soon. I do hope so ... TV is really very boring without her.
MB!!!!!!!!!I'm so happy to see u back to the blog!do drop a line or two often,wont you?
ReplyDeletedia,as soon as i saw joseph's post abt SBS,i knew u would make a post here,and u did!
i agree with MB,what's barun really upto?''he is definitely setting an example for how to look disheveled!''at this pace,no one would recognise him soon.that was an awful hairstyle.serials were better for him,and look,he's glad at himself on the fact that he's doing flops after flops.
and, a msg to mr.sobti,u got tired after doing ipk for 1.5 yrs,right?look at surbhi jyoti,she is doing double,triple roles and what not.and the show still runs just bcoz of her.now,is she not tired?BS should learn sumthing from her,unless his quitting was due to some other reasons.[apologising if i offended anyone]
mohit's reaction was bound to come.'' is his ego kicking in at Sanaya getting all the attention and importance? ''this fact is dangerous,given the fact that he did not even get a single hit show after MJHT.and is sanaya unaware of mohit's feelings.dunno,anyways,leave it.
coming to sanaya's rumoured new show with gul,the storyline is good,but,i dont trust gul an inch[seeing the khichdi she made of QH],but still better than ST anyday.gul lost that geet-ipk charm she had and gorky and she made humsafars a mess.it never looked like a proper serial.if the new show airs on SP,its good.plus,is VD the rumoured rockstar lead?
also,a line from her old IV that i found in the discussion thread:TO SPICE UP THE PLOT, Paro had to die and Myra has to become the focus now.
is this really sanaya's opinion?or that of the great ST and his CVs!who in their right state of mind would think like that?just think YRKKH is a TRP topper,u will understand what audience wants.
and abt''I would not want to play a mother's role at this stage of my career. ''i wonder why sanaya and DD are so adamant?[but DD takes the cake here,she HATES playing a mother]what abt pallavi,almost of the same age as of sanaya?and the younger lot,hina khan,devoleena,rucha hasnabis,pooja sharma,paridhi,sriti jha,etc.and divyanka?see,i'm not comparing.but sanaya would have been wonderful as dhruv's mom had she continued playing paro.[again,i hate ST!sorry dia for ranting repeatedly,but cant help it often]
how can u expect versatile roles keeping such restrictions?i'm sorry to say but u'll keep landing in same kind of roles,there isnt much choice on indian tv nowadays and makers are not willing to experiment either.
anyways,hope sanaya comes back soon in a rocking show!
more later.
ps:sorry for not commenting on prev.post,its just that i dont watch english series and &TV is not available.waisey,did u watch ashish's new show?
Lol, ratna, you're on a rant fest!!!
DeleteFirst of all, I don't know why everyone keep quoting Sanaya's words out of context. She has played mother already twice ... first to Aarav in IPK, and she was perfectly ready to continue playing that role if IPK had continued. Then she played mother to Dhruv in RR, and again she would have been happy to continue playing it. And she said so in the same interview.
Those words you quoted are NOT Sanaya's ... she had to toe the channel and PH line during that interview, it was an official interview ... the line about 'Paro had to die to spice up the show' .
In the SBS's around that time, it was very clear that she was unhappy about Paro dying .. in later interviews also she said that Paro was never supposed to die ... and she was the only one of the cast and crew who came out and said clearly that she did NOT agree with the Rudra-Myrah story happy ending.
All she meant from that interview about not playing mother was that she probably was not ready to play mother from the start of the show ... and I totally agree, she should NOT play something like what Pallavi is doing - a mother of five grown up kids. But she has played mom already during the course of two shows, and she will play mom again if it is needed during the course of the show.
And there are enough older actresses to play the older roles ... I really don't want to see Sanaya in a Pallavi type role yet ... she does not look old enough! Pallavi looks too young too, but she doesn't have as soft a face as Sanaya, so she can get away with it. Sanaya cannot get away with playing a mom of grown up kids ... she does not look old enough. Also, once an actress plays mom on TV, she is typecast ... so I don't blame Sanaya for trying to put it off as long as possible. There is still a long time for her before she has to do the Pallavi and Sakshi Tanwar type of roles.
Regarding the rumored Gul show ... very frankly, I want a TRP hit for Sanaya now ... ALL shows become khichdi sooner or later, but Surbhi has stuck to QH through all the ups and downs, and she has really benefitted from the show ... it is now Gul's longest running show. I want the same for Sanaya ... after two shows closing down earlier than they should have, she deserves a good long show ... and good long shows become stupid after a few months ... it's inevitable. The good thing is that from the rumors, Gul is finally! doing a different story, not her usual angry young man-bubbly girl one ... and to give her her due .. three of her four shows on the GECs have been hits ... Geet, IPK, and QH ... HS is the only flop. I want a TRP hit for Sanaya this time ... good show be damned.
Re Barun, honestly I don't give a damn any more ... I wouldn't even have commented, if he hadn't looked so ghastly ... Mohit and Akshay looked like normal reasonably well turned out guys at a public function, and I didn't notice them!!!
DeleteMohit and Sanaya ... I always wonder ... but anyway, their life ... I'm only interested in her work, not in her personal life. If she's happy with him, then I'm happy for her ... the day she's not happy with him, I will cheer if she walks away. She's an awesome girl, and she deserves the best ... she works damn hard for it too.
I haven't watched Ashish's show ... I do watch Ganga and Begusarai ... let's see how long I watch them. Both started really well ... but already show signs of slowing down.
DeleteHI Ratna,
ReplyDeleteI keep looking into Dia's blog frequently, reading her updates your comments, its just that Sanaya's shows would make great platform for a whole lot of us to discuss and enjoy,
Now-a-days, TV seems to have nothing to offer. I have been watching few others on and off....but they are all so.......... blah....there I can't even find for how utterly boring it is, plus EKTA MAYYIAH has the most convoluted plots, a kidnapping that never ends or an ex-wife always creating issues in the ex-husbands life or her couples never ever get their happy ending, basically all her serials out there are remixed into each other! At the end of it my brain goes KA..POOFH..
Well I do watch a lot of English shows, but I mostly stick to the suspense/horror/crime/procedural shows- I find them interesting-the WHO-DONE-IT'S?! ;-) like Castle, Forever etc or reality shows like The Voice, Amazing Race.
By the way Ratna, I totally agree with you in the fact about Surabhi's dedication to Qubool Hai- its venturing into the 3rd season! with her still as the lead, sticking to the abusive, narcissistic story line ( there is something wrong with Gul, I also saw that in Humsafrs..and it suffered in its safar as a consequence) Anyways getting back to the point Barun can surely learn about commitment from her.
There was something else that crossed my too when I was watching Qubool Hai..I wish all the fans/people had not made such a big deal about Barun quitting IPPKND and the whole ruckus about not wanting ti see Khushi with anybody else, because I for one was ready to see a new guy in her life albeit slowly and 100% sure Sanaya would have pulled that off convincingly, Surabhi also went through a roller coaster ride with respect to the changes in the male lead co star and it turned out good.
Sigh...no use crying over spilt milk...
Well its nice having virtual buddies to exchange opinions on random things, and if I haven't said it enough number of times before, thanks to Dia again for this platform ;-)
sorry dia if i really ranted a lot!and thnx a lot dia and MB for replying.
ReplyDeletea post i made on dabh forum after watching 1 epi.
would love to read ur view[pls read written updates if u dont understand whats happening]
ps:i turned a groupbie on IF!
DeleteRead it... and got an idea of what's happening in the show. I don't watch dabh at all, but I see the promos off and on while watching yhm or tsm. Agree with you completely about the idiocy about giving up a baby ... is it to satisfy the zidd of the brother's daughter? That's the most inane and idiotic reason I've ever heard!!! No wonder the forum is up in arms against it!
Congrats on becoming groupbie! :)