Another very good act from Sanaya and Mohit, this time emotional, based on the Nov 26 Mumbai attacks. They played a couple trapped in a hotel when the terrorists attacked ... the act was tense from the word go, the atmosphere was built up brilliantly, and the choreography and lighting was fantastic. The part where the lamp falls in slow motion ... on a live stage ... was brilliant!!! Sanaya was visibly affected after the act ... as her home is on Marine Drive and she actually saw the shootout between one gang of terrorists and the police from her own house. Their balconies are large and open, and she was petrified ... the action was that close.
The act brought back her own memories ... and her words after the act were simple and heartfelt ... we need to be grateful we have our parents, our limbs intact ... we are so lucky with what we have, no need to grumble about small things, the big things that matter are there with us.
So simple and so true.
The judges were visibly affected as well ... their comments ended with a salute to the armed forces and all those who protect us.
Act was very personal for me.

Credit to creator of this beautiful image