29th Sept episode
There's some semblance of story, but the way it's being treated is just pathetic! After the intensely mature and beautiful SG track of S2, this is really miserable to watch. And the problem is that we have developed high expectations after those two months, so we waited patiently for the expected MN track and the Nups mystery to be solved so we could go back to that beauty and intensity again ... and we keep getting disappointed. Every time they start off a new track or a new idea, and we speculate and theorise endlessly ... only to have our hopes come crashing down again. And the worst is that the essence of SG is getting lost, and even Mohit and Sanaya seem to be losing interest. They are just not Samrat and Gunjan any more - not the Samrat and Gunjan of Season Two which we had started loving so much. I miss them - why have I gotten so attached to a fictional couple so much?
So we have Sam acting the buffoon in a Board meeting, refusing to go to Bahadudurganj, so that he can get fired, because suddenly he realises that this is not the way he wanted his life ... and Gunjan getting all agitated and behaving most un-Gunjan like, trying to persuade him, reason with him, getting angry with him ... in a way, I suppose this is somewhat Gunjan of Season Two, who has learnt to speak up much more, to voice her opinions, rather than agree to what everyone else is saying. Also her focus is shifting back to Samrat for sure - in the scene where all four are arguing, she actually tells Nupur that her bigger problem is not Nups, but Samrat ... am I actually trying to find some positives in that horrendous episode?
Mayank's one line was cute - so were you Dead Man Walking all this time?
Sam actually comes out with his issues - but in such a way? All in comedy? What was so beautiful in S2, the pain, the angst, the torment, the emotions - all have been treated so casually and stupidly - is this all they're going to show? And most importantly, what about the SG relationship? Where is it heading? And on what road? When Sam tells Gunjan, Nups was missing, Mayank was acting Devdas, and you - you even refused to recognise me ... and NO reaction from Gunjan???!!!! PATHETIC!
And even when Gunjan drags Samrat off to the music room - I thought that alone they would have some semblance of a normal conversation, some emotional issues would come up, but no ... again, Sam is playing the joker, and Gunjan has no idea where he's coming from. One interesting comment - the question about his mother - when she asks him, have you fought with mom? So is mom going to make a re-entry?
Next morning - Gunjan tries to call Sam, he refuses to wake up, tells her to postpone their date, upon which she tells him she wasn't asking him for a date :) She wants to talk about his future.
And screeching banshee Nups is back, as unreasonable and stupid as ever - barging into M's classroom and harassing him in front of his students, making scenes - no wonder the guy doesn't want to acknowledge her as his wife! No further comments on MN - Nups has really ruined S2 with her return.
Naveen's links
Sajan and Gang - Sam resigns
Gunjan asks Samrat his reason for resigning
Gunjan calls Samrat to wake him
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cautious optimism - very cautious
28th Sept
So are the new CV's listening? Have they actually heard us? After the disastrous dinner date with the random romance, when the SGians came out with an outcry that we didn't want any romance, we wanted SG to remain SG, they definitely backed off from showing any closeness between SG at all. Which also meant we got an overdose of Nupur and Dhruv, but if the CV's spent the time working on a new track for Sajan, keeping our feedback in mind, it might have been worth it, considering that we always have the option of ffwd or switch off tv during MND scenes!
So SG arrive at the MN residence, where MN are gearing up for a night of LOWE after three years of abstinence - and after some rather slapstick, but funny moments, SG discover the truth of MN's toothache ... all is well!
I found Gunji really cute when she is first all lost as to what the hell is going on with this joint bathtub scenario, then cottons on when Sam tells her they're being haddis and starts giggling. And Samrat cottoned on almost as soon as he entered the bathroom - his expressions were hilarious. Gunjan's shriek when Mayank emerges from the bathtub - another ROFL moment - as though she saw ET emerging - probably looked like that!
So MN abandon their romantic plans and they all sit down for dinner together. And thus starts the next track.
First comes an awkward moment, when Sam is laughing at MN, and M tells him - your turn will come. Both SG look very awkward - no, things are not all perfect in their world, they are still lost with respect to their feelings, although a superficial friendship has been restored. But it's only superficial yet, because Samrat has been pushing Gunjan to go back to their relationship of three years ago, now that Nupur is back, but Gunjan can't. She's changed. And she doesn't even know him any more, does she? Three years back, she understood him without saying a word, but now she doesn't know where he's at. Because she still doesn't know how he spent those three years.
First with talk about their work, with Nups feeling progressively more left out. then Mayank and Gunjan express their satisfaction with their jobs.
Sam gets a call from work and his face changes. And Gunjan notices. He comes back and says he has to leave. She follows him out and asks what's the matter.
And Sam is holding back. Roles reversed, this time she's the one counselling him to do what makes him happy, because then only can he make others happy too. This time he leaves without saying much, leaving her staring after him thoughtfully.
Then she goes back inside and takes her leave as well - some more work related talk, which again makes Nupur feel very left out, so Nups tells M she wants to go back to college.
Next day, SG attending a meeting when Sam is asked to go to a small town on an exchange program. But he is lost in dreams - things have changed, including the situation between him and Gunjan ... what they had seems to be lost somewhere, and he is lost too, doing something he never wanted to do. He spent the last three years in the same place, waiting for her ... she moved on, should he also do the same? Because they are not the same people any more, and he needs to reach her, catch up with her, the new Sam has to reach out to the new Gunjan, instead of the old Sam wanting the old Gunjan back, if they're to have any chance together.
If the CV's manage to do this well, this has the potential to be another beautiful track and might bring the derailed S2 Sajan back - because the CV's know we all loved the new S2 SG. So - cautious optimism.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Naveen's link
follow your heart
So are the new CV's listening? Have they actually heard us? After the disastrous dinner date with the random romance, when the SGians came out with an outcry that we didn't want any romance, we wanted SG to remain SG, they definitely backed off from showing any closeness between SG at all. Which also meant we got an overdose of Nupur and Dhruv, but if the CV's spent the time working on a new track for Sajan, keeping our feedback in mind, it might have been worth it, considering that we always have the option of ffwd or switch off tv during MND scenes!
So SG arrive at the MN residence, where MN are gearing up for a night of LOWE after three years of abstinence - and after some rather slapstick, but funny moments, SG discover the truth of MN's toothache ... all is well!
I found Gunji really cute when she is first all lost as to what the hell is going on with this joint bathtub scenario, then cottons on when Sam tells her they're being haddis and starts giggling. And Samrat cottoned on almost as soon as he entered the bathroom - his expressions were hilarious. Gunjan's shriek when Mayank emerges from the bathtub - another ROFL moment - as though she saw ET emerging - probably looked like that!
So MN abandon their romantic plans and they all sit down for dinner together. And thus starts the next track.
First comes an awkward moment, when Sam is laughing at MN, and M tells him - your turn will come. Both SG look very awkward - no, things are not all perfect in their world, they are still lost with respect to their feelings, although a superficial friendship has been restored. But it's only superficial yet, because Samrat has been pushing Gunjan to go back to their relationship of three years ago, now that Nupur is back, but Gunjan can't. She's changed. And she doesn't even know him any more, does she? Three years back, she understood him without saying a word, but now she doesn't know where he's at. Because she still doesn't know how he spent those three years.
First with talk about their work, with Nups feeling progressively more left out. then Mayank and Gunjan express their satisfaction with their jobs.
Sam gets a call from work and his face changes. And Gunjan notices. He comes back and says he has to leave. She follows him out and asks what's the matter.
And Sam is holding back. Roles reversed, this time she's the one counselling him to do what makes him happy, because then only can he make others happy too. This time he leaves without saying much, leaving her staring after him thoughtfully.
Then she goes back inside and takes her leave as well - some more work related talk, which again makes Nupur feel very left out, so Nups tells M she wants to go back to college.
Next day, SG attending a meeting when Sam is asked to go to a small town on an exchange program. But he is lost in dreams - things have changed, including the situation between him and Gunjan ... what they had seems to be lost somewhere, and he is lost too, doing something he never wanted to do. He spent the last three years in the same place, waiting for her ... she moved on, should he also do the same? Because they are not the same people any more, and he needs to reach her, catch up with her, the new Sam has to reach out to the new Gunjan, instead of the old Sam wanting the old Gunjan back, if they're to have any chance together.
If the CV's manage to do this well, this has the potential to be another beautiful track and might bring the derailed S2 Sajan back - because the CV's know we all loved the new S2 SG. So - cautious optimism.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Naveen's link
follow your heart
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Disconnect ... big time
23rd, 24th and 27th September
MJHT is losing its charm and its way completely. And I am losing interest. The way the Dhruv track was wrapped up - completely predictable, completely unexciting ... Samrat sets up Nups' confession, MN hug, then Dhruv arrives and grand threatening scene which made me ROFL ... Gunjan asks him what he knew about the accident, so he promptly spills the beans, equally promptly recorded by Ash, handed over to police - that's the end of that. If that was all that was required, why was Nups wailing like a banshee for the last three weeks?
My only fear was that MN would start another emotional atyachaar track with Nups recovery - but Nups is like a cat - throw her any which way, she lands on her feet!
SG ... the last three episodes, it seems like the new CV's have no idea how to take them, where to take them. Thursday, it seemed Gunjan was awkward around Sam, didn't know how to talk to him. Friday was one halfway decent scene, where Sam was S2 Sam, ticking her off indirectly - we need to change ourselves, rather than look for change in others.
Naveen's links
awkwardness and ticking off
Dinner vs Meeting
Monday I was lost. What was that? Who were these people? Gunjan doesn't understand why Samrat is behaving the way he is? Why he's getting upset with her? And what exactly is going on with her? Where does she actually think they are? She has definitely worn her ring again, but he doesn't even seem to have noticed. Why does she need to ask Nupur's help to figure out what's going on with him? Why can't she ask him?
S1 - the cornerstone of the SG relationship was their trust and communication. In S2, the biggest reason for their being apart was that the trust was broken, and there was no communication at all. Also, both had changed ... their personalities had undergone drastic changes, maturation with the tragedy that had hit them ... Gunjan had grown up overnight, from being sheltered, protected, pampered - both by Nupur and Samrat - she had learnt to deal with life on her own. She had also become bitter, had enclosed herself in a shell, and her conflicting feelings for Samrat were the cornerstone of S2. There was no conflict in Samrat - he felt guilty, but he still loved Gunjan with all his heart. But he had changed too - he had grown, matured, become serious, sober, the tragedy had affected him deeply, and he was even willing to let Gunjan go, if that was her way to happiness.
With RP's return, that track got completely torpedoed ... it was way too mature a track for most of the teenage hormonal viewers to handle anyway. So okay, the MN sleaze fest is back - even more sleazy than earlier, with half-naked scenes in bathtubs, a husband-wife gearing up openly for sex after three years of abstinence - almost reaching soft-porn in the expressions of the actors. Rati was exceptionally horrible today with her idiotic 'sharmaoing' ...
But SG were ... not SG. Bickering, fighting ... over what? And Gunji needs Nup's help to figure out what's hapening with Samrat? Try talking to the guy, woman - you always did that before! And Samrat can't seem to decide whether he's all grown up and mature, or is still stuck in his half-child, half-man phase.
Bad acting, badly written scenes, and worse characterization. I hope MJHT goes off air very soon. And now I'm really looking forward to Radhika Borkar's next show - if she wrote just the first two months of S2, then what will she do with her own show when she can call the shots for at least six months or so - I can't wait!
MJHT is losing its charm and its way completely. And I am losing interest. The way the Dhruv track was wrapped up - completely predictable, completely unexciting ... Samrat sets up Nups' confession, MN hug, then Dhruv arrives and grand threatening scene which made me ROFL ... Gunjan asks him what he knew about the accident, so he promptly spills the beans, equally promptly recorded by Ash, handed over to police - that's the end of that. If that was all that was required, why was Nups wailing like a banshee for the last three weeks?
My only fear was that MN would start another emotional atyachaar track with Nups recovery - but Nups is like a cat - throw her any which way, she lands on her feet!
SG ... the last three episodes, it seems like the new CV's have no idea how to take them, where to take them. Thursday, it seemed Gunjan was awkward around Sam, didn't know how to talk to him. Friday was one halfway decent scene, where Sam was S2 Sam, ticking her off indirectly - we need to change ourselves, rather than look for change in others.
Naveen's links
awkwardness and ticking off
Dinner vs Meeting
Monday I was lost. What was that? Who were these people? Gunjan doesn't understand why Samrat is behaving the way he is? Why he's getting upset with her? And what exactly is going on with her? Where does she actually think they are? She has definitely worn her ring again, but he doesn't even seem to have noticed. Why does she need to ask Nupur's help to figure out what's going on with him? Why can't she ask him?
S1 - the cornerstone of the SG relationship was their trust and communication. In S2, the biggest reason for their being apart was that the trust was broken, and there was no communication at all. Also, both had changed ... their personalities had undergone drastic changes, maturation with the tragedy that had hit them ... Gunjan had grown up overnight, from being sheltered, protected, pampered - both by Nupur and Samrat - she had learnt to deal with life on her own. She had also become bitter, had enclosed herself in a shell, and her conflicting feelings for Samrat were the cornerstone of S2. There was no conflict in Samrat - he felt guilty, but he still loved Gunjan with all his heart. But he had changed too - he had grown, matured, become serious, sober, the tragedy had affected him deeply, and he was even willing to let Gunjan go, if that was her way to happiness.
With RP's return, that track got completely torpedoed ... it was way too mature a track for most of the teenage hormonal viewers to handle anyway. So okay, the MN sleaze fest is back - even more sleazy than earlier, with half-naked scenes in bathtubs, a husband-wife gearing up openly for sex after three years of abstinence - almost reaching soft-porn in the expressions of the actors. Rati was exceptionally horrible today with her idiotic 'sharmaoing' ...
But SG were ... not SG. Bickering, fighting ... over what? And Gunji needs Nup's help to figure out what's hapening with Samrat? Try talking to the guy, woman - you always did that before! And Samrat can't seem to decide whether he's all grown up and mature, or is still stuck in his half-child, half-man phase.
Bad acting, badly written scenes, and worse characterization. I hope MJHT goes off air very soon. And now I'm really looking forward to Radhika Borkar's next show - if she wrote just the first two months of S2, then what will she do with her own show when she can call the shots for at least six months or so - I can't wait!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
21st and 22nd Sept
SLOW ... excruciatingly slow progress of story ... apparently Monaya and Arjun are busy with Ganpati celebrations and maybe their own personal celebrations (?!) because the whole show was Nups' and Dhruv's ... and they are getting boring with their repetitive dialogues and expressions - Dhruv has two, and Nups has one!
On Tuesday, continuation of previous scene - dragged out "haan' from Nups ... totally saas bahu style with shocked faces, b&w stills, repeated 'haan' ... MG upset, leave.
D challenges Sam again.
Sam confronts Nups in locker room, goads her, but she's still abla naari.
MN eyelock - yawn.
N begs D to see Gunji one last time.
M confronts Sam - Sam goads him to do something if he's so worried about Nups...
Gunji tells Nups she's not her Di.
Sam planning with Rohan ...
So Sam's plan has worked ... MG goading Nups, Sam goading Dhruv ... leading to grand finale ... can we just get on with it plz?
Again, I think M knows it is Nups, and that she's with Dhruv out of some compulsion, and he's too proud to beg her to come back ... or is angry that she doesn't trust him enough to ask for his help ...
Gunji - probably similar ... maybe some doubt, but again, somewhere she still feels it is Nupur, but when Nups has denied it to her face, what more can she do? Is that why she wore the ring? Or is it actually Sanaya's ring? Wish there was a dream emoticon here :)
More of the same - you are Nups, you are not ... I am, I'm not ... dedicated to MN so mostly skippable episode. MN trying to get Nups to confess - yes, he does know she is Nupur.
Sam enters through Gunji's window - she's angry why he's precipitated nupur into trouble, he tells her to trust him and wait ...
Rohan messes up dhruv's clothes, keys, shoes ...
Sam calls Dhruv, tells him Nups is meeting M for one last time ... as expected Dhruv roaring with rage, picks up gun and goes storming off ... Rohan reports back to Sam, but Ro didn't see the gun ...
Gunji wondering at Sam's phone call taunt to Dhruv ...
Setting up Dhruv
Rest was MN, boring me to tears, M taunting Nups to confess, throwing out all her stuff, that Nups can take it with her, because his Nups is never coming back ...
they go out, SG come there and are listening ... M asks Nups, why did you come back? why do you get upset when Gunjan is upset, why does it bother you that SG are not together ... and SG look at each other briefly ... they might not be together, but they're giving a darn good imitation of it, cos they can't seem to stay more a than a mm apart ...
More MN ... finally Nups confesses ... yes, i am your Nups ...
Plz Cv's end this track NOW! Need SG back to save the show! MN can NOT do emotional tracks ... they degenerate into exactly what they are - saas bahu nautanki! The intense, quiet, deep rooted emotions of S2 and its maturity and depth seem like a dream now. The only hope is if Monaya can retrieve them.
SLOW ... excruciatingly slow progress of story ... apparently Monaya and Arjun are busy with Ganpati celebrations and maybe their own personal celebrations (?!) because the whole show was Nups' and Dhruv's ... and they are getting boring with their repetitive dialogues and expressions - Dhruv has two, and Nups has one!
On Tuesday, continuation of previous scene - dragged out "haan' from Nups ... totally saas bahu style with shocked faces, b&w stills, repeated 'haan' ... MG upset, leave.
D challenges Sam again.
Sam confronts Nups in locker room, goads her, but she's still abla naari.
MN eyelock - yawn.
N begs D to see Gunji one last time.
M confronts Sam - Sam goads him to do something if he's so worried about Nups...
Gunji tells Nups she's not her Di.
Sam planning with Rohan ...
So Sam's plan has worked ... MG goading Nups, Sam goading Dhruv ... leading to grand finale ... can we just get on with it plz?
Again, I think M knows it is Nups, and that she's with Dhruv out of some compulsion, and he's too proud to beg her to come back ... or is angry that she doesn't trust him enough to ask for his help ...
Gunji - probably similar ... maybe some doubt, but again, somewhere she still feels it is Nupur, but when Nups has denied it to her face, what more can she do? Is that why she wore the ring? Or is it actually Sanaya's ring? Wish there was a dream emoticon here :)
More of the same - you are Nups, you are not ... I am, I'm not ... dedicated to MN so mostly skippable episode. MN trying to get Nups to confess - yes, he does know she is Nupur.
Sam enters through Gunji's window - she's angry why he's precipitated nupur into trouble, he tells her to trust him and wait ...
Rohan messes up dhruv's clothes, keys, shoes ...
Sam calls Dhruv, tells him Nups is meeting M for one last time ... as expected Dhruv roaring with rage, picks up gun and goes storming off ... Rohan reports back to Sam, but Ro didn't see the gun ...
Gunji wondering at Sam's phone call taunt to Dhruv ...
Setting up Dhruv
Rest was MN, boring me to tears, M taunting Nups to confess, throwing out all her stuff, that Nups can take it with her, because his Nups is never coming back ...
they go out, SG come there and are listening ... M asks Nups, why did you come back? why do you get upset when Gunjan is upset, why does it bother you that SG are not together ... and SG look at each other briefly ... they might not be together, but they're giving a darn good imitation of it, cos they can't seem to stay more a than a mm apart ...
More MN ... finally Nups confesses ... yes, i am your Nups ...
Plz Cv's end this track NOW! Need SG back to save the show! MN can NOT do emotional tracks ... they degenerate into exactly what they are - saas bahu nautanki! The intense, quiet, deep rooted emotions of S2 and its maturity and depth seem like a dream now. The only hope is if Monaya can retrieve them.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sam the hero ... to be?
20th Sept
Boring episode on the whole - too much RP and Dhruv ... getting tired of that guy and his one dimensional role. Sam is obviously the chosen hero to be, Mayank will come in at the end. Sam was decent, D was more of the same.
DN scene, Nups bawling, Dhruv threatening.
SRoAsh scene - for laughs.
SD scene - Dhruv threatening, Sam countering.
SMN scene - Sam watches MN eyelock.
SG scene - Sam questions Gunjan about Dhruv ... finally a little bit of brainwork?
SD scene again - with gang - open challenge to Dhruv, he retaliates by proposing to Nups in public, she accepts.
In locker room, Sam asks Nups, why did you say yes ... good question, why DID she?
Naveen's links
Sam questions Gunjan about Dhruv
Boring episode on the whole - too much RP and Dhruv ... getting tired of that guy and his one dimensional role. Sam is obviously the chosen hero to be, Mayank will come in at the end. Sam was decent, D was more of the same.
DN scene, Nups bawling, Dhruv threatening.
SRoAsh scene - for laughs.
SD scene - Dhruv threatening, Sam countering.
SMN scene - Sam watches MN eyelock.
SG scene - Sam questions Gunjan about Dhruv ... finally a little bit of brainwork?
SD scene again - with gang - open challenge to Dhruv, he retaliates by proposing to Nups in public, she accepts.
In locker room, Sam asks Nups, why did you say yes ... good question, why DID she?
Naveen's links
Sam questions Gunjan about Dhruv
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Standstill ... or two steps backwards ... urrgghhhh
17th Sept
Most important link :) :) :)
Sanaya bday segment on SBS
Nothing happened ... or rather, half step forward and two steps back ... urrgghhhh!!! Dragging has been perfected to a fine art ... either that or a rushed end :(
So Sanu scene - no surprises from yesterday's precap - Samrat overhears Dhruv and Nupur's conversation, and finally ... FINALLY ... one confrontation leads to a confession on Nups' part - she admits to Sam that she's the real Nupur. Decent acting by both - very good by Samrat, his breakdown, touching Nups again and again, crying out of sheer joy, his disbelief ... especially as he had convinced himself she wasn't their Nups ... Nups was good too, showing her relief that she could finally confide in someone.
The scene setup wasn't satisfactory though - it was more like - oh great, you're back, let's go tell the others ... for once, I felt more focus should have been on Nupur, on Sam asking her - who, what, how, why ... and a little more should have been there on how and why Nups stayed with Dhruv for so long, especially after yesterday's supremely idiotic scene where she found out for the first time that Dhruv had rigged the accident ...
Anyway, then the usual 'please don't tell anyone' scene ... MJHT has been fairly unique till now because of the LACK of such scenes and absence of this idiotic secret keeping, now it degenerated rapidly into the Ekta/saas-bahu kind of show, where 'kisiko mat batana' is overused all the time ... you KNOW not telling is gonna cause more problems but it serves one purpose and one only - to DRAG the track!
So one step back ...
Then the Sam-Majan scene ... where suddenly Mayank has convinced Gunjan that this is NOT Nupur - honestly, Gunjan, I thought you had changed enough to stick to your opinions regardless of what anyone said, but again you're listening to others despite your own convictions ... plus, in the last Gunur scene, i thought Gunjan was smart enough to pick up WHY Nupur swore on her herself rather than on Gunjan ... turns out she wasn't ... disappointment! And M, after that filmy fight, still doesn't think anything of Nups rushing to him rather than to her 'fiance' ... Another step back ...
So suddenly Majan are good Samaritans and want to help Nups out of her domestic violence situation, but now Sam stops them and says we'll deal with it ourselves ... hello? Have they started a Help Strangers cell in Excel among other things? And Majan don't even suspect? Again, disappointing ... would expect Gunjan to at least wonder why Sam is behaving uncharacteristically ... does she? Or Mayank? They both give Sam wondering looks, but then, that could mean anything, or nothing. CV's have to plan ahead. cos the actors are good, they just need to know what they're supposed to be doing!
DN scene ... amd I glad this track is not on Gunjan ... I would be hating it! Anyway, I don't think Gunji could ever cosy up to any guy other than Samrat ... she'd have killed herself first! Regardless of any reason!
And Dhruv has learnt from Nups - shouting and shrieking in the name of acting!
Sam-Roash ... Sam confides in RoAsh??? Another Uurrgghhh! And the scene degenerates into Sam's 'planning' ...
DN ... more of the same ... uuurrrgghhhh!!!
So most of the episode was uuurrrgghhh ... except somewhat for the first scene ...
Thank God for Sanaya's birthday and the Monaya SBS :)
Most important link :) :) :)
Sanaya bday segment on SBS
Nothing happened ... or rather, half step forward and two steps back ... urrgghhhh!!! Dragging has been perfected to a fine art ... either that or a rushed end :(
So Sanu scene - no surprises from yesterday's precap - Samrat overhears Dhruv and Nupur's conversation, and finally ... FINALLY ... one confrontation leads to a confession on Nups' part - she admits to Sam that she's the real Nupur. Decent acting by both - very good by Samrat, his breakdown, touching Nups again and again, crying out of sheer joy, his disbelief ... especially as he had convinced himself she wasn't their Nups ... Nups was good too, showing her relief that she could finally confide in someone.
The scene setup wasn't satisfactory though - it was more like - oh great, you're back, let's go tell the others ... for once, I felt more focus should have been on Nupur, on Sam asking her - who, what, how, why ... and a little more should have been there on how and why Nups stayed with Dhruv for so long, especially after yesterday's supremely idiotic scene where she found out for the first time that Dhruv had rigged the accident ...
Anyway, then the usual 'please don't tell anyone' scene ... MJHT has been fairly unique till now because of the LACK of such scenes and absence of this idiotic secret keeping, now it degenerated rapidly into the Ekta/saas-bahu kind of show, where 'kisiko mat batana' is overused all the time ... you KNOW not telling is gonna cause more problems but it serves one purpose and one only - to DRAG the track!
So one step back ...
Then the Sam-Majan scene ... where suddenly Mayank has convinced Gunjan that this is NOT Nupur - honestly, Gunjan, I thought you had changed enough to stick to your opinions regardless of what anyone said, but again you're listening to others despite your own convictions ... plus, in the last Gunur scene, i thought Gunjan was smart enough to pick up WHY Nupur swore on her herself rather than on Gunjan ... turns out she wasn't ... disappointment! And M, after that filmy fight, still doesn't think anything of Nups rushing to him rather than to her 'fiance' ... Another step back ...
So suddenly Majan are good Samaritans and want to help Nups out of her domestic violence situation, but now Sam stops them and says we'll deal with it ourselves ... hello? Have they started a Help Strangers cell in Excel among other things? And Majan don't even suspect? Again, disappointing ... would expect Gunjan to at least wonder why Sam is behaving uncharacteristically ... does she? Or Mayank? They both give Sam wondering looks, but then, that could mean anything, or nothing. CV's have to plan ahead. cos the actors are good, they just need to know what they're supposed to be doing!
DN scene ... amd I glad this track is not on Gunjan ... I would be hating it! Anyway, I don't think Gunji could ever cosy up to any guy other than Samrat ... she'd have killed herself first! Regardless of any reason!
And Dhruv has learnt from Nups - shouting and shrieking in the name of acting!
Sam-Roash ... Sam confides in RoAsh??? Another Uurrgghhh! And the scene degenerates into Sam's 'planning' ...
DN ... more of the same ... uuurrrgghhhh!!!
So most of the episode was uuurrrgghhh ... except somewhat for the first scene ...
Thank God for Sanaya's birthday and the Monaya SBS :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lame ... secret out!!!
16th Sept
Monaya visited Laal Bagh ke Raja Ganpati - adorable segment.
Monaya at Laal Bagh
16th Sept episode
Majan - Gunjan tells Mayank about Chintoo and his madness. Apparently he beat up a teacher who was scolding Nups. Mayank not convinced, Gunji is sure.
Sam overhears, is sure this is not Nups and he has to convince her to go away. After Wednesday's scene - when it seemed very clear that he had realised she was Nups??? Stupid!
More of Dhruv ... and his psychodom. No wonder PF's like him ... Nups says she has become Nupur Verma for him, her asks her to see his new tattoo ... hello, that's not called a tattoo, dude, it's called a scar. Get the nomenclature right!
And Dhruv has to be the stupidest psycho in the history of psychos ... making all his threats and fights in public.
Majan - Chintoo went to pagalkhana. mayank - but how does this prove this is Dhruv? And why is Nupur with him? Gunji doesn't know.
DN - fb's of psycho D, scribbling Nups on walls, lifted straight from umpteen movies ...
Majan - Gunji says that's why we came to Mumbai. Silly me ... I thought they came to study. So the whole of S2 IS based on psycho as Sona pointed out ... powerful cameo, I must say! Actually the whole of MJHT S1 and S2 is based on psycho on this basis ... cos it started with GN coming to Mumbai :D
DN - she tells him he's crazy, so he tells her he rigged the accident. So she didn't know this until now? Then why on earth did she stay with him for three years? If she didn't know exactly how dangerous he was? Just because he threatened to kill MG? Or because he beat her? Lame, lame, lame ... very badly written track!
And also again proves what a stupid psycho he is ... how did he presume that only Nups would survive and the others would die?
And why is Nups now telling him that she will never forget the other three? Either she wants to challenge him or she doesn't ... again, which is it? Very badly written character!
Sam overhears ... miniscule progress ...
Monaya visited Laal Bagh ke Raja Ganpati - adorable segment.
Monaya at Laal Bagh
16th Sept episode
Majan - Gunjan tells Mayank about Chintoo and his madness. Apparently he beat up a teacher who was scolding Nups. Mayank not convinced, Gunji is sure.
Sam overhears, is sure this is not Nups and he has to convince her to go away. After Wednesday's scene - when it seemed very clear that he had realised she was Nups??? Stupid!
More of Dhruv ... and his psychodom. No wonder PF's like him ... Nups says she has become Nupur Verma for him, her asks her to see his new tattoo ... hello, that's not called a tattoo, dude, it's called a scar. Get the nomenclature right!
And Dhruv has to be the stupidest psycho in the history of psychos ... making all his threats and fights in public.
Majan - Chintoo went to pagalkhana. mayank - but how does this prove this is Dhruv? And why is Nupur with him? Gunji doesn't know.
DN - fb's of psycho D, scribbling Nups on walls, lifted straight from umpteen movies ...
Majan - Gunji says that's why we came to Mumbai. Silly me ... I thought they came to study. So the whole of S2 IS based on psycho as Sona pointed out ... powerful cameo, I must say! Actually the whole of MJHT S1 and S2 is based on psycho on this basis ... cos it started with GN coming to Mumbai :D
DN - she tells him he's crazy, so he tells her he rigged the accident. So she didn't know this until now? Then why on earth did she stay with him for three years? If she didn't know exactly how dangerous he was? Just because he threatened to kill MG? Or because he beat her? Lame, lame, lame ... very badly written track!
And also again proves what a stupid psycho he is ... how did he presume that only Nups would survive and the others would die?
And why is Nups now telling him that she will never forget the other three? Either she wants to challenge him or she doesn't ... again, which is it? Very badly written character!
Sam overhears ... miniscule progress ...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Season 2 Gunjan - stellar performance!
15th Sept
Gunjan's episode all the way! Loved it!
Starts with trio scene - Sam bandaging Mayank with Rohan's help after the big fight, Ash tells Gunji about the fight and Gunji rushes to Sam's cabin. The best thing about Season Two - after the new SG of course - is the bonding of the trio.
Gunjan still trying to remember - she keeps feeling this IS her Di. Mayank says he doesn't know if it is or not, but there's some problem, and he's gonna find out. Sam gets worried about Mayank's temper, he needs to do something about dhruv.
So all three are on detective mode.
First to go ... Gunjan. sees Nupur's name on the board, memories stir of Nupur writing her name while a boy looked on ... clicked his fingers threateningly ... Dhruv clicked his fingers in the cafe the same way ...
Next ... Samrat. Nups worried about Dhruv, she can't reach him. Samrat asks her - you ok? Nups makes some story to cover up. Then she begs Samrat to marry Gunjan quickly.
Antennae up. I can't push her.
Nups breaks - You have to! Because she won't.
He asks why are you so keen?
Nups - because she has no one but me, and if I go ...
Oops ...
But Sam doesn't ask any more questions.
part 1
She covers, but he's suspicious. Just reassures her and no more questions. S2 Sam, the man of few words ...
Asks where is Dhruv, and Nups makes her second blunder - he's gone with college friends.
But Dhruv never went to college.
Again Sam says nothing ... he has to leave for a meeting, he tells her. And goes.
Gunjan in classroom, sees the marks of the compass on the table and the handprint. More memories. And starting to connect the dots.
part 2
Nups calls mayank and tells him to stay away from her.
Gunji being followed? She goes to library. Yes, she was being followed - by Dhruv. She narrowly escapes a bookcase falling on her. Screams.
Good thing Samrat was out of the college, seeing that he goes even more ballistic than Mayank if anyone dares to even touch Gunjan. Dhruv would have been a goner if that bookcase had hurt Gunjan!
Nupur hears Gunjan and rushes to library where Dhruv is already expressing concern. More barely veiled threats, but now Gunjan is catching on quickly, now that she pieced together who Dhruv might be. And seeing Nupur's completely unveiled concern for her, she's more and more sure. As soon as Dhruv leaves, she pulls Nups to locker room.
Again, smart Gunji - no showdown in public where Dhruv or anyone else might walk in, makes sure to go somewhere quiet, reasonably private. Does Sanaya add these touches, or do they now come naturally to whoever writes the Gunjan scenes? These little nuances add so much to the characterization.
And then - the sisters showdown - Gunjan's show all the way. Again brilliantly done by Sanaya - there is simply no one to beat her in these tense emotional confrontations, whatever kind they might be. Speaks crisply, every word clear as a bell, not a single raised voice ... and her voice and expressions switching between accusation, hope, love, pleading ... as she tells Nupur the story of chintu and their childhood and asks her - you know the rest, don't you? You are nupur bhushan. You are my di, aren't you?
And she takes Nupur's hand to her head daring her to lie.
Nupur takes her hand off Gunjan's head and to her own - and lies - no, I'm not your Di.
Nice, taut episode. Gripping, moving performances by all - the Sanu and the Gunur scenes were very good, and the S2 SG are well and truly back, even Nupur is a new and far better fit for S2 than the shrieking banshee of her first two weeks. But she needs to lessen her makeup - a lot.
The boy who played Chintu was good in his brief glimpses.
Last scene - the kasam khaoing bit was filmy but effective. But does this mean that Nupur is going to die again?
My feeling: Gunjan and Samrat are pretty much sure this is Nupur. AND - they're also sure there's no amnesia, as Gunjan was thinking up to a point. But there's no point telling Nupur we know this when she's so adamantly refusing to admit it despite all her bloopers. Gunjan would have been sure when Nupur refused to khao her kasam and swore on herself instead. Sam might investigate Dhruv, or lead to the truth another way - but put together with Gunjan's news, they would realize together. So SG are going to get together and do what they always do - talk it over. All leading up to final grand confrontation, of course. Mayank - don't know what he thinks. But he might lead to it independently or with SG.
Gunjan's turning point about it not being amnesia would have been when she spoke to Samrat about the forged documents, and then wondered why Nupur was refusing to recognize them. Samrat - no turning point as such, just his suspicions about Dhruv and Nupu'r relationship being not all it seems, growing stronger and stronger, mixed with concern for his friend, Mayank getting involved in what might or might not be his business.
And the reason Mayank is being the most obtuse might be the start of the next MN track - that his wife has spent the last three years with another man. Knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly is beside the point ... for any man, that's a hard pill to swallow.
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Gunjan's episode all the way! Loved it!
Starts with trio scene - Sam bandaging Mayank with Rohan's help after the big fight, Ash tells Gunji about the fight and Gunji rushes to Sam's cabin. The best thing about Season Two - after the new SG of course - is the bonding of the trio.
Gunjan still trying to remember - she keeps feeling this IS her Di. Mayank says he doesn't know if it is or not, but there's some problem, and he's gonna find out. Sam gets worried about Mayank's temper, he needs to do something about dhruv.
So all three are on detective mode.
First to go ... Gunjan. sees Nupur's name on the board, memories stir of Nupur writing her name while a boy looked on ... clicked his fingers threateningly ... Dhruv clicked his fingers in the cafe the same way ...
Next ... Samrat. Nups worried about Dhruv, she can't reach him. Samrat asks her - you ok? Nups makes some story to cover up. Then she begs Samrat to marry Gunjan quickly.
Antennae up. I can't push her.
Nups breaks - You have to! Because she won't.
He asks why are you so keen?
Nups - because she has no one but me, and if I go ...
Oops ...
But Sam doesn't ask any more questions.
part 1
She covers, but he's suspicious. Just reassures her and no more questions. S2 Sam, the man of few words ...
Asks where is Dhruv, and Nups makes her second blunder - he's gone with college friends.
But Dhruv never went to college.
Again Sam says nothing ... he has to leave for a meeting, he tells her. And goes.
Gunjan in classroom, sees the marks of the compass on the table and the handprint. More memories. And starting to connect the dots.
part 2
Nups calls mayank and tells him to stay away from her.
Gunji being followed? She goes to library. Yes, she was being followed - by Dhruv. She narrowly escapes a bookcase falling on her. Screams.
Good thing Samrat was out of the college, seeing that he goes even more ballistic than Mayank if anyone dares to even touch Gunjan. Dhruv would have been a goner if that bookcase had hurt Gunjan!
Nupur hears Gunjan and rushes to library where Dhruv is already expressing concern. More barely veiled threats, but now Gunjan is catching on quickly, now that she pieced together who Dhruv might be. And seeing Nupur's completely unveiled concern for her, she's more and more sure. As soon as Dhruv leaves, she pulls Nups to locker room.
Again, smart Gunji - no showdown in public where Dhruv or anyone else might walk in, makes sure to go somewhere quiet, reasonably private. Does Sanaya add these touches, or do they now come naturally to whoever writes the Gunjan scenes? These little nuances add so much to the characterization.
And then - the sisters showdown - Gunjan's show all the way. Again brilliantly done by Sanaya - there is simply no one to beat her in these tense emotional confrontations, whatever kind they might be. Speaks crisply, every word clear as a bell, not a single raised voice ... and her voice and expressions switching between accusation, hope, love, pleading ... as she tells Nupur the story of chintu and their childhood and asks her - you know the rest, don't you? You are nupur bhushan. You are my di, aren't you?
And she takes Nupur's hand to her head daring her to lie.
Nupur takes her hand off Gunjan's head and to her own - and lies - no, I'm not your Di.
Nice, taut episode. Gripping, moving performances by all - the Sanu and the Gunur scenes were very good, and the S2 SG are well and truly back, even Nupur is a new and far better fit for S2 than the shrieking banshee of her first two weeks. But she needs to lessen her makeup - a lot.
The boy who played Chintu was good in his brief glimpses.
Last scene - the kasam khaoing bit was filmy but effective. But does this mean that Nupur is going to die again?
My feeling: Gunjan and Samrat are pretty much sure this is Nupur. AND - they're also sure there's no amnesia, as Gunjan was thinking up to a point. But there's no point telling Nupur we know this when she's so adamantly refusing to admit it despite all her bloopers. Gunjan would have been sure when Nupur refused to khao her kasam and swore on herself instead. Sam might investigate Dhruv, or lead to the truth another way - but put together with Gunjan's news, they would realize together. So SG are going to get together and do what they always do - talk it over. All leading up to final grand confrontation, of course. Mayank - don't know what he thinks. But he might lead to it independently or with SG.
Gunjan's turning point about it not being amnesia would have been when she spoke to Samrat about the forged documents, and then wondered why Nupur was refusing to recognize them. Samrat - no turning point as such, just his suspicions about Dhruv and Nupu'r relationship being not all it seems, growing stronger and stronger, mixed with concern for his friend, Mayank getting involved in what might or might not be his business.
And the reason Mayank is being the most obtuse might be the start of the next MN track - that his wife has spent the last three years with another man. Knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly is beside the point ... for any man, that's a hard pill to swallow.
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
GuNur was good ... the rest was ROFL :D
14th September
Sayank scene where Mayank is worrying about Nups in purely 'friendly' way ... Dhruv comes in to hear this and although Sam covers, D is not happy.
GuNur scene ... the best scene of the episode, and for once I really liked Nupur as well as Gunjan. Gunjan of course was lovely as usual, even Nups was good now that she knows which way to act! N tells G she should wear Samrat's ring, G asks, why are you so keen that we get together, Nups almost spills that it's because of her they're apart, but covers up. G asks to call her di, first Nups says no, then agrees. G says, I love you, di. And Nups manages to say, I'm sure your di loves you as much. And when G leaves, Nups shows her regret and her sorrow at having to be apart from G. Now that her identity has been disclosed to the viewers, she can finally show this ... so this makes sense at long last. And liked the last bit ... as Nups looks at the pics of all four of them, and her fb's with each one - beautifully showing her pain and her grief, for once, i really liked Nupur here.
And then Dhruv comes, the first bit is quite decent, when he goes all psycho, how much he loves her, while manhandling her ... then degenerates into too much while Nups keeps on and on sobbing ... nope, she cannot cry for too long! The first Gunur scene was the way it should be done, Nups - you followed Gunji there and you were perfect. This was Ekta-ish! So the rest of the episode, including the fight ... I was actually ROFLing out loud! Problem with this track is that they had to rush it so there was an overdose of DN ... well, good thing is that tg it's nearing an end.
So M gets hurt, Nups rushes to him, pretty much giving herself away, i would think, except to the dhakkan trio ...
And precap - Nups gives herself away completely to Samrat out of her fear and worry for Gunjan - she can leave Mayank and go away for his safety, but she HAS to make sure that Gunjan will be all right first.
Sayank scene where Mayank is worrying about Nups in purely 'friendly' way ... Dhruv comes in to hear this and although Sam covers, D is not happy.
GuNur scene ... the best scene of the episode, and for once I really liked Nupur as well as Gunjan. Gunjan of course was lovely as usual, even Nups was good now that she knows which way to act! N tells G she should wear Samrat's ring, G asks, why are you so keen that we get together, Nups almost spills that it's because of her they're apart, but covers up. G asks to call her di, first Nups says no, then agrees. G says, I love you, di. And Nups manages to say, I'm sure your di loves you as much. And when G leaves, Nups shows her regret and her sorrow at having to be apart from G. Now that her identity has been disclosed to the viewers, she can finally show this ... so this makes sense at long last. And liked the last bit ... as Nups looks at the pics of all four of them, and her fb's with each one - beautifully showing her pain and her grief, for once, i really liked Nupur here.
And then Dhruv comes, the first bit is quite decent, when he goes all psycho, how much he loves her, while manhandling her ... then degenerates into too much while Nups keeps on and on sobbing ... nope, she cannot cry for too long! The first Gunur scene was the way it should be done, Nups - you followed Gunji there and you were perfect. This was Ekta-ish! So the rest of the episode, including the fight ... I was actually ROFLing out loud! Problem with this track is that they had to rush it so there was an overdose of DN ... well, good thing is that tg it's nearing an end.
So M gets hurt, Nups rushes to him, pretty much giving herself away, i would think, except to the dhakkan trio ...
And precap - Nups gives herself away completely to Samrat out of her fear and worry for Gunjan - she can leave Mayank and go away for his safety, but she HAS to make sure that Gunjan will be all right first.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dragggggging ... but thank God S2 SG are back :)
13th Sept
Skipped Friday episode - apparently it was all DN, with N crying buckets and finally acknowledging to D that she is Nupur Bhushan Sharma ... well, we knew it all along, and so did he ... the question is when the trio are gonna realise it ...
So Monday ...
Have said it before and will say it again ... the reason MN don't get emotional tracks is because they can't do them. When Gunjan cries, your heart goes out to her, you feel her pain, her sorrow, because her tears are always controlled, as though she is letting out just a fraction of her pain in them. When Nups cries, after a while I get bored.
So first, Dhruv threatening Nups again, and again ... and again ... in between whispering sweet nothings about how much he loves her ... ah, they remembered to put that in also. And today Nups was better because there was a hint of feeling for Dhruv, the conflict that always arises in these women, which is why they find it so difficult to leave.
Which is also why this is such a wrong track to use for her comeback ... :) amnesia would really have been better ... at least temporary amnesia.
Then Dhruv decides to stay back for a few days, ostensibly because Nups wanted to get SG together ... or Pari, as he calls her.
The only scene really worth watching again ... and not only because it was SG, but because it was more like S2 SG ... Gunjan lost in thought about Dhruv, twisting her ring between her fingers ... it falls at Samrat's feet. And cv's seem to have heard our complaints, because the awkwardness, the distance is back between SG - they're back to being just 'friends' or at least calling it just that. DN come in to tell SG they're staying on, Sam mentions pitayi of Nups, D loses it again, DN leave, leaving Sam wondering why D is so hyper (dude, anyone coming in contact with Nups goes that road - occupational hazard) and Gunji wondering what she's missing ...
Sam tells her not to worry, hand on shoulder ... she looks and he removes it ... yesss, S2 definitely back ... some recovery after the DDD(disastrous dinner date).
Sam Gunjan and friendship
Rest of episode was boring MND scene ... MN eyelock, D sees, goes ballistic again ... dunno how MN fans are sitting through this so patiently ... I would be fuming if this happened to Gunjan! I don't even like it happening with Nups ... physical abuse of a woman is a big NO-NO for me.
Anyway, no suprises, waiting for Gunji to put two and two together, that seems to be the way the track will progress ... either that, or Gunji putting it together, and reaches Nups with Samrat, while M reaches her on his own, so all four - plus D, of course, are there at the climax.
Skipped Friday episode - apparently it was all DN, with N crying buckets and finally acknowledging to D that she is Nupur Bhushan Sharma ... well, we knew it all along, and so did he ... the question is when the trio are gonna realise it ...
So Monday ...
Have said it before and will say it again ... the reason MN don't get emotional tracks is because they can't do them. When Gunjan cries, your heart goes out to her, you feel her pain, her sorrow, because her tears are always controlled, as though she is letting out just a fraction of her pain in them. When Nups cries, after a while I get bored.
So first, Dhruv threatening Nups again, and again ... and again ... in between whispering sweet nothings about how much he loves her ... ah, they remembered to put that in also. And today Nups was better because there was a hint of feeling for Dhruv, the conflict that always arises in these women, which is why they find it so difficult to leave.
Which is also why this is such a wrong track to use for her comeback ... :) amnesia would really have been better ... at least temporary amnesia.
Then Dhruv decides to stay back for a few days, ostensibly because Nups wanted to get SG together ... or Pari, as he calls her.
The only scene really worth watching again ... and not only because it was SG, but because it was more like S2 SG ... Gunjan lost in thought about Dhruv, twisting her ring between her fingers ... it falls at Samrat's feet. And cv's seem to have heard our complaints, because the awkwardness, the distance is back between SG - they're back to being just 'friends' or at least calling it just that. DN come in to tell SG they're staying on, Sam mentions pitayi of Nups, D loses it again, DN leave, leaving Sam wondering why D is so hyper (dude, anyone coming in contact with Nups goes that road - occupational hazard) and Gunji wondering what she's missing ...
Sam tells her not to worry, hand on shoulder ... she looks and he removes it ... yesss, S2 definitely back ... some recovery after the DDD(disastrous dinner date).
Sam Gunjan and friendship
Rest of episode was boring MND scene ... MN eyelock, D sees, goes ballistic again ... dunno how MN fans are sitting through this so patiently ... I would be fuming if this happened to Gunjan! I don't even like it happening with Nups ... physical abuse of a woman is a big NO-NO for me.
Anyway, no suprises, waiting for Gunji to put two and two together, that seems to be the way the track will progress ... either that, or Gunji putting it together, and reaches Nups with Samrat, while M reaches her on his own, so all four - plus D, of course, are there at the climax.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Psycho on the loose! :)
10th Sept
Starts with small scene of the trio - this trio has been so good to watch during season 2! All their scenes together, especially after the bitterness with Samrat faded, are lovely, whether small or big :) Their offscreen camaraderie translating onto screen as well.
So Samrat tells Gunjan not to think so much, 'cos when she thinks, she gets upset - but dude, she's the only one who's thinking right now! Thank god my thinking Gunji is back :) M says he'll get G's phone from the canteen where she left it.
In canteen, Dhruv is busy threatening Nupur.
Two holes I have to pick in this otherwise interesting track. One that, when she was talking to Dhruv on the phone all along, Nups was quite all right. She wasn't scared of him then. Wary, she didn't want him to come there, but not petrified, as she suddenly seems to be. Why this sudden turnaround? Also, like I said yesterday, she had no problem keeping M away from her all these days, but as soon as Dhruv is on the scene and it's imperative that she does keep M away, she goes in for major eyelocks with M in front of D. Incongruent and pretty illogical ... probably necessary for the speed of the track, but it prickles.
Secondly, psychopaths, or even habitual perpetrators of domestic violence are not fools. In fact, they're usually very, very clever and careful to never show their ugly side in public. So Dhruv threatening Nups in the open canteen when anyone can walk in, is very illogical. They should have shown him taking her off somewhere and Nups reappearing with bruises and cuts. Would have cut down on the violence and been more effective - what is unseen is always far more scary. But again, they had to make this pretty obvious, to make sure that everyone knows from the outset that Dhruv is a negative character. If they had concentrated on his being all sweet and lovey dovey in public, there would have been an outcry about MN "pure love" etc. So I guess they had to ram that down everyone's throats from the start.
The third thing is what Niha had told me ages ago ... that if there is a fresh face, then his scenes are maximised because he's being paid for shooting time. And since Dhruv is here for a limited period, we're going to see only him this week, or a lot of him.
Which is okay - the guy is a decent actor, the story is moving forward, even RP is acting now that she has very few dialogues, she actually has to emote without the backing of her usual bak-bak, and M is doing well - he's back to S2 Mayank, whom I had started liking.
So not much really happening, Dhruv being nasty with Nupur, Nups petrified, Mayank comes, but doesn't see much, realises something is happening, Dhruv covers up, M leaves, Dhruv threatens Nups again.
Small Sayank scene, M says she's not my Nupur, so it's her life. So he did see something wrong, but chooses not to interfere. Again, is it his ego, that he feels she has chosen to walk away from him, or does he really think it's not his Nupur?
DN walking out of college, more threats, aimed at M also, broken bangle and bleeding wrist, seen by RoAsh - they go and tell SG individually. Gunji still wondering why Dhruv's mannerisms, his "pari" seems familiar. Even after Ash tells her about Dhruv's strange behaviour, she feels she's missing a piece of the puzzle. Keep thinking, Gunji!!!
Sam on the other hand, decides not to interfere. Especially after M is not interested. So if Gunji does put it together, is she going to find it tough to convince the guys?
Rest of episode - MND in library, not much progress, except that Dhruv has carried out his threat to M to keep N cowed. But why are ND back in the college at all?
Now I'm confused again. Logically, if Nups did not have amnesia, and was being kept captive by Dhruv with his threats and violence, she should have used the opportunity when she was alone with MSG to make her escape. In SWTE, Julia Roberts stays with her abusive husband because she has nowhere to go, he keeps her under tight control, and he's rich and powerful enough to carry out those threats, esp with regard to her sick mother.
Here, is Dhruv so rich and powerful that he has kept her captive for three years, IF she had her memory intact? And why didn't she use the opportunity to escape when she came to Mumbai and had a place to go? Quite a few holes in the story to plug if there is no amnesia. And if there is, does this mean that Dhruv has brainwashed her - or beaten her - into believing that she has no amnesia?
Have a strong feeling CV's are going to ignore all this in the climax!
I need to watch SWTE again!
Starts with small scene of the trio - this trio has been so good to watch during season 2! All their scenes together, especially after the bitterness with Samrat faded, are lovely, whether small or big :) Their offscreen camaraderie translating onto screen as well.
So Samrat tells Gunjan not to think so much, 'cos when she thinks, she gets upset - but dude, she's the only one who's thinking right now! Thank god my thinking Gunji is back :) M says he'll get G's phone from the canteen where she left it.
In canteen, Dhruv is busy threatening Nupur.
Two holes I have to pick in this otherwise interesting track. One that, when she was talking to Dhruv on the phone all along, Nups was quite all right. She wasn't scared of him then. Wary, she didn't want him to come there, but not petrified, as she suddenly seems to be. Why this sudden turnaround? Also, like I said yesterday, she had no problem keeping M away from her all these days, but as soon as Dhruv is on the scene and it's imperative that she does keep M away, she goes in for major eyelocks with M in front of D. Incongruent and pretty illogical ... probably necessary for the speed of the track, but it prickles.
Secondly, psychopaths, or even habitual perpetrators of domestic violence are not fools. In fact, they're usually very, very clever and careful to never show their ugly side in public. So Dhruv threatening Nups in the open canteen when anyone can walk in, is very illogical. They should have shown him taking her off somewhere and Nups reappearing with bruises and cuts. Would have cut down on the violence and been more effective - what is unseen is always far more scary. But again, they had to make this pretty obvious, to make sure that everyone knows from the outset that Dhruv is a negative character. If they had concentrated on his being all sweet and lovey dovey in public, there would have been an outcry about MN "pure love" etc. So I guess they had to ram that down everyone's throats from the start.
The third thing is what Niha had told me ages ago ... that if there is a fresh face, then his scenes are maximised because he's being paid for shooting time. And since Dhruv is here for a limited period, we're going to see only him this week, or a lot of him.
Which is okay - the guy is a decent actor, the story is moving forward, even RP is acting now that she has very few dialogues, she actually has to emote without the backing of her usual bak-bak, and M is doing well - he's back to S2 Mayank, whom I had started liking.
So not much really happening, Dhruv being nasty with Nupur, Nups petrified, Mayank comes, but doesn't see much, realises something is happening, Dhruv covers up, M leaves, Dhruv threatens Nups again.
Small Sayank scene, M says she's not my Nupur, so it's her life. So he did see something wrong, but chooses not to interfere. Again, is it his ego, that he feels she has chosen to walk away from him, or does he really think it's not his Nupur?
DN walking out of college, more threats, aimed at M also, broken bangle and bleeding wrist, seen by RoAsh - they go and tell SG individually. Gunji still wondering why Dhruv's mannerisms, his "pari" seems familiar. Even after Ash tells her about Dhruv's strange behaviour, she feels she's missing a piece of the puzzle. Keep thinking, Gunji!!!
Sam on the other hand, decides not to interfere. Especially after M is not interested. So if Gunji does put it together, is she going to find it tough to convince the guys?
Rest of episode - MND in library, not much progress, except that Dhruv has carried out his threat to M to keep N cowed. But why are ND back in the college at all?
Now I'm confused again. Logically, if Nups did not have amnesia, and was being kept captive by Dhruv with his threats and violence, she should have used the opportunity when she was alone with MSG to make her escape. In SWTE, Julia Roberts stays with her abusive husband because she has nowhere to go, he keeps her under tight control, and he's rich and powerful enough to carry out those threats, esp with regard to her sick mother.
Here, is Dhruv so rich and powerful that he has kept her captive for three years, IF she had her memory intact? And why didn't she use the opportunity to escape when she came to Mumbai and had a place to go? Quite a few holes in the story to plug if there is no amnesia. And if there is, does this mean that Dhruv has brainwashed her - or beaten her - into believing that she has no amnesia?
Have a strong feeling CV's are going to ignore all this in the climax!
I need to watch SWTE again!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Crawling along
7/8 Sept
Apparently 7th Sept was dedicated to the grand LOWE of MN, complete with wet song in barn ... gave that a skip, my delicate eyes can't stand such things. Followed by a KKHH type entry of Dhruv, again, skipped that because I didn't want my favourite scene getting ruined.
so - 8th Sept
First bit, skippable, MN trying to say 'alvida' and Dhruv getting suspicious. Considering Nups was doing a great job of acting stranger and keeping M away from her when she was alone with him earlier, must say she's pretty lousy now, when it really matters in front of Dhruv. They have to rush the story, or they have to make it very obvious ... and very filmy!
College - trio all upset, prepared to bid farewell to whom they thought was Nups. Dialogues a bit confused here - do they all realise it IS her and think she's found a new love, a new life? Or do they feel she's not actually their Nupur? Dialogues make it seem the first, but their acting, the second.
And she turns up again like a bad penny with fiance Dhruv in tow. And here's where it got totally filmy and obvious with MN having multiple eyelocks so that a blind person would be able to figure out something between them. Which was okay, only Nups did great acting earlier, so why did she lose it so completely now? Must have been some barn!
Dhruv calls Gunjan Pari ... she's puzzled. She sees Dhruv clicking his fingers to interrupt yet another MN eyelock, she's puzzled again, S asks silently if she's ok, she nods, Dhruv sees their aankhon mein ishaare and comments that their love is obvious. More than love, they're acting like a married couple here. Don't need words. Then Gunji sees a small N scar on Dhruv's arm, more raised antennae.
After MN have well and truly raised Dhruv's suspicions about their LOWE, trio leave and Dhruv loses it with Nups. Nice to see her struck dumb for once - she had hardly any dialogues out of fear ... for that, if nothing else, Dhruv is welcome! Also, the guy was a decent actor - playing his part reasonably well.
Gunji thinks she knows this guy. M goes back to canteen to get her phone, sees Dhruv and Nups ... think Dhruv is gonna wriggle out of this one, though maybe not for long. But once Gunji puts it together, then it will be trio to the rescue.
Again, no repeat value - just watch to get hang of story, which is going exactly the way I thought it would. And Nups seems more scared for herself right now, not for MG, though that might come in later. Her pain is totally self-centred as of now!
Apparently 7th Sept was dedicated to the grand LOWE of MN, complete with wet song in barn ... gave that a skip, my delicate eyes can't stand such things. Followed by a KKHH type entry of Dhruv, again, skipped that because I didn't want my favourite scene getting ruined.
so - 8th Sept
First bit, skippable, MN trying to say 'alvida' and Dhruv getting suspicious. Considering Nups was doing a great job of acting stranger and keeping M away from her when she was alone with him earlier, must say she's pretty lousy now, when it really matters in front of Dhruv. They have to rush the story, or they have to make it very obvious ... and very filmy!
College - trio all upset, prepared to bid farewell to whom they thought was Nups. Dialogues a bit confused here - do they all realise it IS her and think she's found a new love, a new life? Or do they feel she's not actually their Nupur? Dialogues make it seem the first, but their acting, the second.
And she turns up again like a bad penny with fiance Dhruv in tow. And here's where it got totally filmy and obvious with MN having multiple eyelocks so that a blind person would be able to figure out something between them. Which was okay, only Nups did great acting earlier, so why did she lose it so completely now? Must have been some barn!
Dhruv calls Gunjan Pari ... she's puzzled. She sees Dhruv clicking his fingers to interrupt yet another MN eyelock, she's puzzled again, S asks silently if she's ok, she nods, Dhruv sees their aankhon mein ishaare and comments that their love is obvious. More than love, they're acting like a married couple here. Don't need words. Then Gunji sees a small N scar on Dhruv's arm, more raised antennae.
After MN have well and truly raised Dhruv's suspicions about their LOWE, trio leave and Dhruv loses it with Nups. Nice to see her struck dumb for once - she had hardly any dialogues out of fear ... for that, if nothing else, Dhruv is welcome! Also, the guy was a decent actor - playing his part reasonably well.
Gunji thinks she knows this guy. M goes back to canteen to get her phone, sees Dhruv and Nups ... think Dhruv is gonna wriggle out of this one, though maybe not for long. But once Gunji puts it together, then it will be trio to the rescue.
Again, no repeat value - just watch to get hang of story, which is going exactly the way I thought it would. And Nups seems more scared for herself right now, not for MG, though that might come in later. Her pain is totally self-centred as of now!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Good acting ... but standstill ...
6th Sept
One of those episodes where acting was good but absolutely nothing happened. Oh well, got a tiny Sajan scene which was nice ... and as usual, no one to touch Gunjan for emotion.
Basically the episode consisted of Nupur walking away, coming back, walking away, coming back ... girl, make up what passes for your mind! First time she comes back for her phone, Gunji hands it to her, looking at her with a mixture of accusation and grief ... how can you NOT be her? ... she leaves. SG - Gunji can't believe it isn't her di, and collapses into Samrat's arms, crying bitterly at her loss ... so does she also finally believe it isn't her di? Nice Sajan scene :))) although miniscule one.
Samrat tries to pull her together, for Mayank's sake, because M is also looking shell shocked ... these three MADE season two, and this small scene shows why ... all three acting really well, hardly any dialogues, just silent emotions.
SG hug
And Nups comes back, apologises to Mayank, he tells her very formally he'll drop her home - hello, I thought she had no home here? -
and Gunji runs off again, this time Nups follows her ...
I think RP got tired of the accolades coming Sanaya's way about her acting, and wanted a bit of the praise herself too ... no other reason for the Gunur scene ... where again Sanaya shows that no one can beat her in such scenes.
Rati wasn't bad, but two things were distracting - the caterpillars on her eyes and her horrendous pink nail polish ...
Last scene, Mayank dropping Nups somewhere in the car ... repeat accident? and repeat barn? This is getting boring ...
One can judge how good an episode is by the repeat value ... from the last few episodes, really none ... I can watch to get an update of how the story is moving, if at all, but that magic which glued me to the show, especially S2, and watch the episodes again and again to catch the smallest nuances of acting, the tiny gestures, the layers of emotions ... all that is just gone completely. Just want to watch whatever SG scenes come our way ... again, I don't know how they will recover the Sajan story, if they even bother to do so, that is. After the dinner date, it seems to be past the point of recovery - they will probably have to start a completely new spin on it.
One of those episodes where acting was good but absolutely nothing happened. Oh well, got a tiny Sajan scene which was nice ... and as usual, no one to touch Gunjan for emotion.
Basically the episode consisted of Nupur walking away, coming back, walking away, coming back ... girl, make up what passes for your mind! First time she comes back for her phone, Gunji hands it to her, looking at her with a mixture of accusation and grief ... how can you NOT be her? ... she leaves. SG - Gunji can't believe it isn't her di, and collapses into Samrat's arms, crying bitterly at her loss ... so does she also finally believe it isn't her di? Nice Sajan scene :))) although miniscule one.
Samrat tries to pull her together, for Mayank's sake, because M is also looking shell shocked ... these three MADE season two, and this small scene shows why ... all three acting really well, hardly any dialogues, just silent emotions.
SG hug
And Nups comes back, apologises to Mayank, he tells her very formally he'll drop her home - hello, I thought she had no home here? -
and Gunji runs off again, this time Nups follows her ...
I think RP got tired of the accolades coming Sanaya's way about her acting, and wanted a bit of the praise herself too ... no other reason for the Gunur scene ... where again Sanaya shows that no one can beat her in such scenes.
Rati wasn't bad, but two things were distracting - the caterpillars on her eyes and her horrendous pink nail polish ...
Last scene, Mayank dropping Nups somewhere in the car ... repeat accident? and repeat barn? This is getting boring ...
One can judge how good an episode is by the repeat value ... from the last few episodes, really none ... I can watch to get an update of how the story is moving, if at all, but that magic which glued me to the show, especially S2, and watch the episodes again and again to catch the smallest nuances of acting, the tiny gestures, the layers of emotions ... all that is just gone completely. Just want to watch whatever SG scenes come our way ... again, I don't know how they will recover the Sajan story, if they even bother to do so, that is. After the dinner date, it seems to be past the point of recovery - they will probably have to start a completely new spin on it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
And my Gunji is back ... somewhat :)
3rd Sept episode
Flavour of S2 with its maturity starting to slowly, painfully crawl back.
Mayank and Sam left last episode, and as Nupur prepares to leave as threatened, Gunjan comes to stop her. No histrionics, just a simple "don't leave at this time of night, you can go tomorrow morning." Nups thinks, then agrees. Liked the little touches of Gunji suddenly being more sure of herself, like taking hold of Nups' bag inside before Nups could touch it. And thank god Nups has toned down her screech.
Next morning, Sanaya at her best. Younger sister, but not the worshipping one I hate. The one who knows her older sister, who loves her a lot, and knows how to work around her temper. Favourite coffee, favourite breakfast, then ... stay one more day. Nupur asks, why, and Gunjan goes to the window and says with a faraway look ... I never knew I would never see my di again. So today when god has given me this one chance, I want to do everything for her that I never did, that was left incomplete.
Makes you feel every word she says, feel like doing everything for the near and dear ones in your life too, before it's too late.
Also, for the first time, fb's of the accident with only the smiles, not the tears, the farewell between the sisters, the laughter in the car.
Nice scene. Nups looks blank all through, but does show some change of expression in between, that she feels in her heart what Gunjan is saying ...
So she agrees, and fortunately the scene doesn't go into tears. Gunji perks up immediately ... looks like she has become used to hiding her tears with smiles over the years ... or is that what SSC and Samrat have taught her also in the last few months? To store the happy memories, not the sad one.
Liked the clothes scene for the same reason, Gunji determinedly cheerful, taking the lead, deciding for Nups ... and Nups seems to be enjoying letting her younger sister mother her, look after her for what might be the last time, seeing Gunjan, her baby, all grown up, confident, happy ...
College ... Samrat is surprised to see Nupur after all her screaming about leaving straight away last night, and even she has the grace to look embarrassed. Then he recovers the moment with a light comment to not deepen her embarrassment further, and even Nups stay calm.
Her phone rings. Visibly disturbed. SG notice ... of course they do, she can't hide it. Talks to unknown, tells him she'll be back today itself, he shouldn't come here, which is apparently what he wants to do and she's petrified. Either she's told him lies about her past as well ... or she's told him lies about her past as well ;)... knowing Nupur, quite likely she has got herself into a mess because of her impulsiveness and storytelling, and now can't find the way out. And has run into a psycho of sorts ... because she seems actually scared of him.
RoAsh come in to give her something ... and Ash tells her someone is looking for her. Nups panics, runs out leaving her phone, which promptly rings again.
Outside, SG see her run past, G tries to go after her, Sam stops her. Tells her to let Nups go. then he says, she's not our Nupur. Gunji says, even I wondered, but my heart tells me she is. Otherwise why would she try to get us together? Sam says, because of friendship, Gunji's face shows what she thinks of that one! Sam says, what about all those proofs, Gunji lets loose ... Di can forge anything, that's just her!
What a role model and youth icon, I must say! :D
And FINALLY they ask themselves the crucial question which they should have asked at the start of this whole escapade ... WHY? Why is she doing this, why is she playacting? And realise they have to get to the bottom of that to get the truth whether she is or she isn't.
And hooray, they're the mature, thinking adult SG of S2 again ...
RoAsh come up with Nups' phone ... Gunji takes it ... now she's determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. Curtain of hero-worship falling away thankfully.
MN ... Nups rushing to find her mystery visitor in panic, sees a harsh, unforgiving looking Mayank. Embarrassed again, says she stayed only for Gunjan. He tells her, go whenever you want. Nups' face shows her pain, her despair. He says, do us a last favour, convince Gunjan you're not her sister, she's looking for a mirage in a stranger.
Meaning he doesn't see his Nupur in her any more. She has become a stranger to him and he's not interested. Harsh, cold ... that's Mayank. Is it his ego, or his usual unforgiving nature, that he cannot accept her mistakes easily? That he knows she is doing this purposely, and he is hurting inside, so he lashes out to hurt her as well.
And Nupur also knows ... to get his forgiveness this time will be near impossible.
M sees the others with Nups' phone. Gunjan determined to answer it. Sam convinced she is not Nups, tries to stop her, he doesn't want her getting hurt again. M doesn't want her back, whether she is or isn't. And Gunji just wants to know for sure ... she loves Nups, faults and all, regardless. She just HAS to know.
All three with their different POV's.
Gunji ... more than half convinced this girl IS her sister. Her habits, why she stayed back, especially for Gunjan, and just her heart telling her. But she is determined now, she has to find out for sure. And for her, there's no ego, no right or wrong, because Nupur is her sister, her closest blood tie, whatever she does, Gunji can forgive and forget.
Sam trying to use his head, thinks maybe Mayank is right, after all if he doesn't recognise his wife, who would? And he doesn't want Gunjan to chase a mirage any more and get more hurt.
Mayank ... I think he knows it IS Nupur. But he just bared his heart to her, asked her to start again, told her he loves her ... only to have it thrown back in his face. So for him, his Nupur IS dead. This girl may be Nupur, she is not his Nupur. And if she doesn't want to come back to him, he doesn't want her either. Again ego stronger than love, and his ego doesn't allow him to even think there could be a reason for her to do all this. As Gunji is now beginning to wonder.
youtube links
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 3 (overlap)
part 4 (overlap)
part 5
part 6
Naveen's link SG scene
Monaya/Monayajun SBS, SBB links
MS/AB as Krishna
SBS Monaya Janamshtami
SBB Monaya Janamshtami
Flavour of S2 with its maturity starting to slowly, painfully crawl back.
Mayank and Sam left last episode, and as Nupur prepares to leave as threatened, Gunjan comes to stop her. No histrionics, just a simple "don't leave at this time of night, you can go tomorrow morning." Nups thinks, then agrees. Liked the little touches of Gunji suddenly being more sure of herself, like taking hold of Nups' bag inside before Nups could touch it. And thank god Nups has toned down her screech.
Next morning, Sanaya at her best. Younger sister, but not the worshipping one I hate. The one who knows her older sister, who loves her a lot, and knows how to work around her temper. Favourite coffee, favourite breakfast, then ... stay one more day. Nupur asks, why, and Gunjan goes to the window and says with a faraway look ... I never knew I would never see my di again. So today when god has given me this one chance, I want to do everything for her that I never did, that was left incomplete.
Makes you feel every word she says, feel like doing everything for the near and dear ones in your life too, before it's too late.
Also, for the first time, fb's of the accident with only the smiles, not the tears, the farewell between the sisters, the laughter in the car.
Nice scene. Nups looks blank all through, but does show some change of expression in between, that she feels in her heart what Gunjan is saying ...
So she agrees, and fortunately the scene doesn't go into tears. Gunji perks up immediately ... looks like she has become used to hiding her tears with smiles over the years ... or is that what SSC and Samrat have taught her also in the last few months? To store the happy memories, not the sad one.
Liked the clothes scene for the same reason, Gunji determinedly cheerful, taking the lead, deciding for Nups ... and Nups seems to be enjoying letting her younger sister mother her, look after her for what might be the last time, seeing Gunjan, her baby, all grown up, confident, happy ...
College ... Samrat is surprised to see Nupur after all her screaming about leaving straight away last night, and even she has the grace to look embarrassed. Then he recovers the moment with a light comment to not deepen her embarrassment further, and even Nups stay calm.
Her phone rings. Visibly disturbed. SG notice ... of course they do, she can't hide it. Talks to unknown, tells him she'll be back today itself, he shouldn't come here, which is apparently what he wants to do and she's petrified. Either she's told him lies about her past as well ... or she's told him lies about her past as well ;)... knowing Nupur, quite likely she has got herself into a mess because of her impulsiveness and storytelling, and now can't find the way out. And has run into a psycho of sorts ... because she seems actually scared of him.
RoAsh come in to give her something ... and Ash tells her someone is looking for her. Nups panics, runs out leaving her phone, which promptly rings again.
Outside, SG see her run past, G tries to go after her, Sam stops her. Tells her to let Nups go. then he says, she's not our Nupur. Gunji says, even I wondered, but my heart tells me she is. Otherwise why would she try to get us together? Sam says, because of friendship, Gunji's face shows what she thinks of that one! Sam says, what about all those proofs, Gunji lets loose ... Di can forge anything, that's just her!
What a role model and youth icon, I must say! :D
And FINALLY they ask themselves the crucial question which they should have asked at the start of this whole escapade ... WHY? Why is she doing this, why is she playacting? And realise they have to get to the bottom of that to get the truth whether she is or she isn't.
And hooray, they're the mature, thinking adult SG of S2 again ...
RoAsh come up with Nups' phone ... Gunji takes it ... now she's determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. Curtain of hero-worship falling away thankfully.
MN ... Nups rushing to find her mystery visitor in panic, sees a harsh, unforgiving looking Mayank. Embarrassed again, says she stayed only for Gunjan. He tells her, go whenever you want. Nups' face shows her pain, her despair. He says, do us a last favour, convince Gunjan you're not her sister, she's looking for a mirage in a stranger.
Meaning he doesn't see his Nupur in her any more. She has become a stranger to him and he's not interested. Harsh, cold ... that's Mayank. Is it his ego, or his usual unforgiving nature, that he cannot accept her mistakes easily? That he knows she is doing this purposely, and he is hurting inside, so he lashes out to hurt her as well.
And Nupur also knows ... to get his forgiveness this time will be near impossible.
M sees the others with Nups' phone. Gunjan determined to answer it. Sam convinced she is not Nups, tries to stop her, he doesn't want her getting hurt again. M doesn't want her back, whether she is or isn't. And Gunji just wants to know for sure ... she loves Nups, faults and all, regardless. She just HAS to know.
All three with their different POV's.
Gunji ... more than half convinced this girl IS her sister. Her habits, why she stayed back, especially for Gunjan, and just her heart telling her. But she is determined now, she has to find out for sure. And for her, there's no ego, no right or wrong, because Nupur is her sister, her closest blood tie, whatever she does, Gunji can forgive and forget.
Sam trying to use his head, thinks maybe Mayank is right, after all if he doesn't recognise his wife, who would? And he doesn't want Gunjan to chase a mirage any more and get more hurt.
Mayank ... I think he knows it IS Nupur. But he just bared his heart to her, asked her to start again, told her he loves her ... only to have it thrown back in his face. So for him, his Nupur IS dead. This girl may be Nupur, she is not his Nupur. And if she doesn't want to come back to him, he doesn't want her either. Again ego stronger than love, and his ego doesn't allow him to even think there could be a reason for her to do all this. As Gunji is now beginning to wonder.
youtube links
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 3 (overlap)
part 4 (overlap)
part 5
part 6
Naveen's link SG scene
Monaya/Monayajun SBS, SBB links
MS/AB as Krishna
SBS Monaya Janamshtami
SBB Monaya Janamshtami
Friday, September 3, 2010
Finally ... the story starts ...
2nd Sept
Quick look at the episode on youtube after a lovely evening out ... maybe I was in a good mood, so was able to watch without cringing too much, and maybe RP was screeching a little less today, and the trio were back to some semblance of sanity ... so actually found it bearable. And the CV's seem to have finally remembered that Nups was missing for three years and is not back as a five year old. So the story of the missing Nups starts ... finally.
1st part random with Ash sneaking around to find the thief, finds Rohan instead, don't really know why they were here in this episode at all, except to garner some screen space. Didn't add much to content.
SG - Gunjan cringeworthy again - how sweet, di is trying to get us together, let's get her and Mayank together. Yeah right, for the fiftieth time. Do them a favour, Gunjan, and just keep them apart. Better for them the way they fight, and better for us.
Anyway, fortunately, Sam doesn't take this as an opportunity to flirt or lapse into idiocy again, just agrees and says - but we have only three days left.
MN - Mayank gets all lovey dovey, Nups looking confused ... skip ... then Nups phone rings, she goes out to answer, all worried and scared, I just spoke to you, no, don't ...
Sounds like she's in some trouble, and is being blackmailed? Forced to abandon her old life? Finally, interesting storyline.
Mayank comes out, she loses it with him ... I'm not your Nupur.
Just wish RP could act better in these scenes ... she just starts shouting, loses the intensity somehow.
SG come out, so do RA ... all crawling out of the woodwork, probably becos Nups is screaming so much, no one can NOT hear her. So she announces, I'm nobody's sister, nobody's wife, nobody's friend ... Gunjan says, di ... she shouts, mar gayi tumhari Di ... Starts shouting again, I'm not your Nupur, am tired of telling you. And don't come near me now.
Seems to have forgotten that she's the one who came here. And that's what Sam asks, if you're not our Nupur, why didn't you leave?
Pity they didn't focus on her face, we could have seen some expressions ... maybe that's why they didn't, because she couldnt convey what she was supposed to ... she just shows anger and screaming. So she says I felt sorry for you all, but now I'm going.
All shocked ... becoming Kekta-ish with those clanging cymbals and freeze on every face.
RA wisely leave.
Mayank shell shocked (methinks he should be thanking his stars, bala tali). SG look at each other, then G goes inside, Sam goes to M. What happened, what was that phone call all about? M says, I don't care, this is not my Nupur.
Two possibilities. he was thinking deeply when Nupur was screaming. Does he think the way ahead is to let her go and follow her, to find out the truth? Now that would be a wiser course of action. Or does he really think exactly what he is saying - that this is not his Nupur, because she could never say such things? Again, would be Mayank-ish, never stopping to understand her point of view, but taking offence and letting his ego in the way. So both are possible.
GuNur ... Gunjan begs Nupur not to go, Nups starts shouting AGAIN ...*sigh* When is she going to learn that screaming in loud voice is NOT acting? Need to mute her scenes. Shows Gunji driving license, passport (pp? to come to Mumbai from Delhi?) then finally says, I'm not your Nupur.
Gunji is apparenly as deaf as Nups accuses her of being. Begs her again, don't go. And finally we see some change of expression in Nups, a hint of, this is already difficult for me, don't make it worse, as she looks away from Gunjan.
SM - Sam has fb's of Nups and is convinced this has to be their Nupur. Two people can't scream so much. Ladti hai is okay, where did Sam see the 'pyaar karti hai' bit? And now I remembered who RP reminded me of ... Aruna Irani in her vampish roles!
Sam tries to convince M, M is not interested, don't really blame him.
I think Mayank is very sure Nupur remembers everything, and doesn't want to stay. Question is, is he really going to let her go, or just pretend to? To find out why.
Nups comes out, Sam asks where are you going? she says, myob. Comes up to Mayank ... first time after aeons I see some decent acting from MN (maybe because Nups didn't open her mouth) ... M looking forward, harsh, unforgiving, Nups looking at him with hope, some despair, as though she knows he will not forgive her for why she is doing what she did ... then she wipes a tear and looks as cold as him, two people whose egos always come in the way of their love ... he moves forward and away, and she looks after him with that despair, as though she has lost all hope.
Sam and Gunji look at each other, then Sam goes after Mayank. Nups starts to leave, Gunji comes to stop her without a word, hand on her luggage, Nups face softens again, shows her being torn (Gunji manages to bring out the best in Nups and in RP's acting, she actually has some change of expression apart from her usual anger when she is with Gunji) ... but then hardens again, and leaves.
Naveen's links
SG from 1st & 2nd Sept
Quick look at the episode on youtube after a lovely evening out ... maybe I was in a good mood, so was able to watch without cringing too much, and maybe RP was screeching a little less today, and the trio were back to some semblance of sanity ... so actually found it bearable. And the CV's seem to have finally remembered that Nups was missing for three years and is not back as a five year old. So the story of the missing Nups starts ... finally.
1st part random with Ash sneaking around to find the thief, finds Rohan instead, don't really know why they were here in this episode at all, except to garner some screen space. Didn't add much to content.
SG - Gunjan cringeworthy again - how sweet, di is trying to get us together, let's get her and Mayank together. Yeah right, for the fiftieth time. Do them a favour, Gunjan, and just keep them apart. Better for them the way they fight, and better for us.
Anyway, fortunately, Sam doesn't take this as an opportunity to flirt or lapse into idiocy again, just agrees and says - but we have only three days left.
MN - Mayank gets all lovey dovey, Nups looking confused ... skip ... then Nups phone rings, she goes out to answer, all worried and scared, I just spoke to you, no, don't ...
Sounds like she's in some trouble, and is being blackmailed? Forced to abandon her old life? Finally, interesting storyline.
Mayank comes out, she loses it with him ... I'm not your Nupur.
Just wish RP could act better in these scenes ... she just starts shouting, loses the intensity somehow.
SG come out, so do RA ... all crawling out of the woodwork, probably becos Nups is screaming so much, no one can NOT hear her. So she announces, I'm nobody's sister, nobody's wife, nobody's friend ... Gunjan says, di ... she shouts, mar gayi tumhari Di ... Starts shouting again, I'm not your Nupur, am tired of telling you. And don't come near me now.
Seems to have forgotten that she's the one who came here. And that's what Sam asks, if you're not our Nupur, why didn't you leave?
Pity they didn't focus on her face, we could have seen some expressions ... maybe that's why they didn't, because she couldnt convey what she was supposed to ... she just shows anger and screaming. So she says I felt sorry for you all, but now I'm going.
All shocked ... becoming Kekta-ish with those clanging cymbals and freeze on every face.
RA wisely leave.
Mayank shell shocked (methinks he should be thanking his stars, bala tali). SG look at each other, then G goes inside, Sam goes to M. What happened, what was that phone call all about? M says, I don't care, this is not my Nupur.
Two possibilities. he was thinking deeply when Nupur was screaming. Does he think the way ahead is to let her go and follow her, to find out the truth? Now that would be a wiser course of action. Or does he really think exactly what he is saying - that this is not his Nupur, because she could never say such things? Again, would be Mayank-ish, never stopping to understand her point of view, but taking offence and letting his ego in the way. So both are possible.
GuNur ... Gunjan begs Nupur not to go, Nups starts shouting AGAIN ...*sigh* When is she going to learn that screaming in loud voice is NOT acting? Need to mute her scenes. Shows Gunji driving license, passport (pp? to come to Mumbai from Delhi?) then finally says, I'm not your Nupur.
Gunji is apparenly as deaf as Nups accuses her of being. Begs her again, don't go. And finally we see some change of expression in Nups, a hint of, this is already difficult for me, don't make it worse, as she looks away from Gunjan.
SM - Sam has fb's of Nups and is convinced this has to be their Nupur. Two people can't scream so much. Ladti hai is okay, where did Sam see the 'pyaar karti hai' bit? And now I remembered who RP reminded me of ... Aruna Irani in her vampish roles!
Sam tries to convince M, M is not interested, don't really blame him.
I think Mayank is very sure Nupur remembers everything, and doesn't want to stay. Question is, is he really going to let her go, or just pretend to? To find out why.
Nups comes out, Sam asks where are you going? she says, myob. Comes up to Mayank ... first time after aeons I see some decent acting from MN (maybe because Nups didn't open her mouth) ... M looking forward, harsh, unforgiving, Nups looking at him with hope, some despair, as though she knows he will not forgive her for why she is doing what she did ... then she wipes a tear and looks as cold as him, two people whose egos always come in the way of their love ... he moves forward and away, and she looks after him with that despair, as though she has lost all hope.
Sam and Gunji look at each other, then Sam goes after Mayank. Nups starts to leave, Gunji comes to stop her without a word, hand on her luggage, Nups face softens again, shows her being torn (Gunji manages to bring out the best in Nups and in RP's acting, she actually has some change of expression apart from her usual anger when she is with Gunji) ... but then hardens again, and leaves.
Naveen's links
SG from 1st & 2nd Sept
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
1st September
Freedom from the addiction that was MJHT, especially Season Two!
Feel really bad for the actors, Mohit and Sanaya who carried Season two on their shoulders, with very good support from AB and from RoAsh ... after watching today's episode in fast forward, the SG scene left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I watched Meethi Churri again, which cheered me up no end, then I watched a few of the original S2 scenes ...
And I realised one thing. If the writers of S2 have changed, then there is no point hoping. Because the episodes of the original Season two were way, WAY above the crap that I watched ... or rather, didn't watch, today. If the writers were the same, and were just catering to the demands of a senseless return of an actor, then there might have been hope for improvement down the line. But if the entire writing and directing team has changed, then I hold out no hopes at all, because the sheer difference in treatment, in acting style and polish, in the depth of emotions displayed ... there is just no comparison. The MJHT of today, and in fact of the last two weeks, is amateurishly written and poorly acted ... screeching and screaming and making faces does NOT constitute good acting ... even Mohit and Sanaya seem to have lost all conviction in what they're doing, because their disinterest shows in their scenes. As for Rati, her overacting is getting worse and worse everyday, as is her character ... to downright bullying, domineering, and irritating, as well as retaining the senseless impulsive don't-think-before-i-talk-or-act nature that she always had. Never been so irritated with a character in my life as I have with her the last few episodes, whatever little I have watched of her. As for Mayank, AB too seems to have lost interest in his scenes, he is as bland and unimpressive as he always was ... his scenes with Gunjan in S2 had redeemed him for a while, but he's back to being himself - he's there and I can't comment because he makes no impression whatsoever.
So MJHT - goodbye. And Sajan ... I will remember their engagement as their happy ending, their Zindagi as their wedding night ... in reverse order, but that's fine because the whole lot seem to be doing time travel backwards anyway. And Look At Me and Meri Chashmish as signs of what could have been, if only ...
Freedom from the addiction that was MJHT, especially Season Two!
Feel really bad for the actors, Mohit and Sanaya who carried Season two on their shoulders, with very good support from AB and from RoAsh ... after watching today's episode in fast forward, the SG scene left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I watched Meethi Churri again, which cheered me up no end, then I watched a few of the original S2 scenes ...
And I realised one thing. If the writers of S2 have changed, then there is no point hoping. Because the episodes of the original Season two were way, WAY above the crap that I watched ... or rather, didn't watch, today. If the writers were the same, and were just catering to the demands of a senseless return of an actor, then there might have been hope for improvement down the line. But if the entire writing and directing team has changed, then I hold out no hopes at all, because the sheer difference in treatment, in acting style and polish, in the depth of emotions displayed ... there is just no comparison. The MJHT of today, and in fact of the last two weeks, is amateurishly written and poorly acted ... screeching and screaming and making faces does NOT constitute good acting ... even Mohit and Sanaya seem to have lost all conviction in what they're doing, because their disinterest shows in their scenes. As for Rati, her overacting is getting worse and worse everyday, as is her character ... to downright bullying, domineering, and irritating, as well as retaining the senseless impulsive don't-think-before-i-talk-or-act nature that she always had. Never been so irritated with a character in my life as I have with her the last few episodes, whatever little I have watched of her. As for Mayank, AB too seems to have lost interest in his scenes, he is as bland and unimpressive as he always was ... his scenes with Gunjan in S2 had redeemed him for a while, but he's back to being himself - he's there and I can't comment because he makes no impression whatsoever.
So MJHT - goodbye. And Sajan ... I will remember their engagement as their happy ending, their Zindagi as their wedding night ... in reverse order, but that's fine because the whole lot seem to be doing time travel backwards anyway. And Look At Me and Meri Chashmish as signs of what could have been, if only ...
Meethi Churri 28th August with Sanaya Irani
Posting new link as old ones don't work
Sanaya in Meethi Choori 28th Aug 2010
Sanaya Mohit part
Monaya in MC
Watched MC again today ... after the senseless episode tonight, I needed to lighten my mood ... and I had a thought after seeing Sanaya's ranking with the aam junta ...
Obviously being part of a show on Star One, a not so popular channel, is not doing Sanaya too much good in terms of recognition. Otherwise the girl who was rated the third most attractive or sexy in the show by her fellow competitors (most likely to steal a boyfriend equates to that) was rated 7th in the general population. Which means to my mind, that the aam junta, who watches shows like Balika Badhu, Uttaran, Kyunki Saas and others on mainstream channels, just doesn't know Sanaya at all ... or possibly, because they all don't watch SBS or SBB on a regular basis, knows her only as Gunjan ... who would be least likely to steal a boyfriend!
So I really do hope that this appearance was in actual fact a foray into fresher prospects for Sanaya ... and that she gets noticed as she apparently isn't being in MJHT. Because she sure as hell was noticeable in MC ... in terms of sheer beauty, elegance, and in personality. Keeping fingers crossed that the current track where she has very little to do, means that she is less available because she is looking elsewhere. Because I want to see her as a solo lead in a really good show on a prominent channel ... NOW!
Sanaya in Meethi Choori 28th Aug 2010
Sanaya Mohit part
Monaya in MC
Watched MC again today ... after the senseless episode tonight, I needed to lighten my mood ... and I had a thought after seeing Sanaya's ranking with the aam junta ...
Obviously being part of a show on Star One, a not so popular channel, is not doing Sanaya too much good in terms of recognition. Otherwise the girl who was rated the third most attractive or sexy in the show by her fellow competitors (most likely to steal a boyfriend equates to that) was rated 7th in the general population. Which means to my mind, that the aam junta, who watches shows like Balika Badhu, Uttaran, Kyunki Saas and others on mainstream channels, just doesn't know Sanaya at all ... or possibly, because they all don't watch SBS or SBB on a regular basis, knows her only as Gunjan ... who would be least likely to steal a boyfriend!
So I really do hope that this appearance was in actual fact a foray into fresher prospects for Sanaya ... and that she gets noticed as she apparently isn't being in MJHT. Because she sure as hell was noticeable in MC ... in terms of sheer beauty, elegance, and in personality. Keeping fingers crossed that the current track where she has very little to do, means that she is less available because she is looking elsewhere. Because I want to see her as a solo lead in a really good show on a prominent channel ... NOW!
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